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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 986

A faint beam of light shone into the darkness.

Ye Fan regained consciousness after he had slept for a long time.

He slowly opened his eyes. The sunlight shone into the room through the window blinds and cast a rainbow of colors onto the floor.

"Where am I..."

Ye Fan was experiencing a moment of memory lapse.

His listless eyes looked at his surroundings.

The room was very simply furnished, yet one could tell they had been through some history.

There was a vintage-looking table and chairs in front of him, while a few portraits of China's forefathers hung on the wall.

A radio that was playing hits from the 90s was placed on a table by the side.

Ye Fan remembered standing in front of that radio and listening to a female singer with a very sweet voice. She sang a very popular song called "Returning Home”.

There was a grandfather clock that hung on the wall above the radio.

The ticking sound from the clock's pendulum was once part of Ye Fan's childhood.

Ye Fan was astounded at the familiar yet foreign place he was in.

For a moment, it felt like he had gone back to his past.

It was in this small house that an elderly lady in her 70s stayed by his side and took care of him throughout his childhood.

Years had since passed and Ye Fan, now an adult and married, was sitting in this same room. When his gaze fell on the furnishings, it felt like he was looking back in time at himself when he was only a young child, going about doing various things in the same room.

It brought back beautiful memories of his growing up years when he was so carefree.

Nothing had changed here.

Everything was still the same.

When Ye Fan looked at the vintage radio, grandfather clock and everything else in this room that was so familiar to him, he became overwhelmed and choked with emotions.

"Cry if you feel like it, silly boy. Your great grandmother's place will always be your safe harbor," a kindly voice sounded suddenly in his ears.

Ye Fan looked up as an unassuming old lady walked through the door.

The moment he saw her, all the emotions that Ye Fan had been suppressing broke loose.

He rushed into her arms just like when he was a young child.

Ye Fan could not speak as he bawled his eyes out in the arms of his great grandmother.

Chen Ao and the rest would have been shocked by this scene if they were here.

Who would have thought that a man who once commanded all of Jiangdong and topped the list of the powerful in Japan would one day be crying like a baby in the arms of an old lady?

But if one thought about it carefully, there was nothing really surprising about Ye Fan's actions.

After all, Ye Fan was only a youth who had just turned 20 not long ago. Others at his age would probably still be a student in school.

No matter how strong a youth in his early 20s appeared to be, he would still be considered a child in the eyes of his elders.

Besides, humans were bound to have vulnerabilities. This was regardless of one's age or strength.

Sometimes, in the dark of the night and under the influence of alcohol, even a man in his 40s would be wailing out loud on a friend's shoulder.


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