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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 997

Ye Fan had no choice but to obey Old Madam Chu since she was his elder.

Ye Fan came to the bed obediently after Old Madam Chu reprimanded him and apologized to the woman before him.

"Er...l'm sorry about what happened. I was mistaken and didn't know you were friends with Great grandmother. I thought you were a thief, so I ended up..."

Ye Fan coughed dryly and was too embarrassed to go on.

Despite his thick skin, he was too embarrassed to bring up what happened.

"Don't worry. I will compensate you for the garments I ruined. I still remember the design and I promise to buy you that exact same set in black lace..."

"Shut up! You shameless piece of shit! If you don't stop blabbering, even if Granny wants to defend you, I am going to kill you. Before I change my mind, I suggest you disappear this instant! I don't want to spend another second looking at a creep

like you!"

Before Ye Fan finished his sentence, the pale and cold woman lying in bed exploded like an angry kitten as she yelled at Ye Fan angrily.

Her sinister voice was filled with fury and murderous intent.

She turned her head away and didn't want to see that prick's face for a second.

"Fine. It's not like I want to see you either."

Ye Fan couldn't stand her bad temper and cocky tone of voice. She made it sound as though he was begging for her forgiveness.

He didn't care if she forgave him or not.

Now that Ye Fan had gotten hold of the Yin volume for the Dragon God Body, he didn't care about her attitude towards him.

They were mere strangers after all.

Considering the woman's lousy attitude, Ye Fan wouldn't even have humbled himself and apologized if not for Old Madam Chu.

Ye Fan put the medicine down and turned to leave.

"What's with your attitude? Come back! Come back this instant," shouted Old Madam Chu. However, Ye Fan was long gone.

"He is going to be the death of me!"

Ye Fan made Old Madam Chu so furious that she almost wanted to run after him and give him a few kicks.

"Yun, ignore him. I will give him a piece of my mind. Fan really means no harm. He is a kind person but just a little proud, so he barely lowers himself. It was already very rare of him to go that far just now. You are the leader of an elite family, so you should be more forgiving."

Old Madam Chu helped Ye Fan to explain in an attempt to salvage their relationship.

"Alright now, I won't keep you up anymore.

After you take the medicine, have a good rest. Don't try to use Dragon God Body to recover in the next few days. You can't afford to expend any more internal energy, considering your condition. Not even if it is a physical martial arts technique," reminded Old Madam Chu before she left.

Before long, only the woman was left in the room.

She picked up the medicine and drank it just like Old Madam Chu told her to.

However, she spat it out in an instant.

"This medicine is so bitter," complained the woman in agony.

After spitting out the medicine, she hurriedly rinsed her mouth with some water.

The woman poured away the rest of the medicine and was determined not to drink something as bitter as that.

If any of her friends caught sight of this scene, they would probably be shocked.

Who would have thought that this beautiful, elegant woman who stood at the pinnacle of power would be terrified of drinking bitter medicine?

Ye Fan found a quiet corner in the yard and started studying the parchment he stole from the Tang Sect entrance.


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