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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 704

Kaitlyn blinked, slightly taken aback.

It wasn't that she felt there was anything wrong with Vivienne not repaying the money; after all, when she had helped them, she never expected anything in return.

But now, with Vivienne so earnestly declaring her intentions, Kaitlyn couldn't help but think Vivienne still looked down on them.

Pressing her lips together, Kaitlyn said, “I never wanted anything in return when I helped you back then.”

Vivienne glanced at her and remained silent.

Then, pulling out her smartphone, Vivienne dialed a number, “Send over three cars. I’ll text you the address.”

Hearing this, Kaitlyn’s face fell, “Ms. Hawthorn, what are you trying to do?”

Vivienne pocketed her phone. “I’m moving you to another place.”

Clutching Amelia tightly to her, Kaitlyn eyed Vivienne with hostility, “Ms. Hawthorn, I’ve done nothing to offend you. Twelve years ago, I helped you. Why are you making things difficult for me now?”

Sadie and Julian, overhearing the conversation, quickly joined her side, glaring at Vivienne defensively.

Her husband, glaring helplessly at Vivienne, could only fret.

“Making things difficult for you?” Vivienne echoed, a hint of something crossing her mind.

“Sorry, I should have been clearer. I don’t intend to repay the money; instead, I want to arrange a new place for you to live. This place is too cramped; it’s not suitable for you.”

Kaitlyn felt embarrassed, “I’m sorry, I thought you were...”

After years of being targeted by others, her mind jumped to the worst conclusion when Vivienne mentioned moving them.

Vivienne explained, “It’s fine. I have a villa in Rivenwood that I’ve never lived in. You can stay there, and once you’re settled, I’ll transfer the deed to you.”

The villa was a gift from Jasper. She had tried to refuse it, but the old man insisted, and she had no choice but to accept.

Initially, she had planned to buy a new place, but given Kaitlyn’s current situation, purchasing a new house would take at least a few days, and this place was unbearable for even a day longer. She couldn’t stand to see her benefactor living like this.

“No, no!” Kaitlyn immediately protested, “I only helped you a little back then; I can’t accept such a large favor.”

Kaitlyn’s in-laws also hurriedly chimed in, “Yes, young lady, we appreciate your kindness, but we’re fine here.”

They understood the principle of not accepting a reward without merit.

Although Kaitlyn had helped the young woman before them years ago, accepting a villa in return was far too much.

“You can accept it,” Vivienne insisted seriously. “If it weren’t for your help back then, I don’t know if my mother and I would have made it. Please don’t refuse.”

Kaitlyn sighed softly. “You’re a good person for wanting to repay kindness, but I really can’t take the villa, not to mention the expensive monthly maintenance fees we can’t afford. Even if we moved in, we wouldn’t be able to keep it.”

Vivienne’s gaze sharpened, “Is someone in Rivenwood giving you trouble?”

She had initially disregarded the rumors Cordelia mentioned because she didn’t know Kaitlyn was her benefactor from years ago. Now, she realized Kaitlyn’s family’s current plight must be due to someone stirring up trouble.


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