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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 950

Dracon's reaction was like he'd just been slapped across the face, a mocking laugh escaped his lips. "Not satisfied, Dad? And what about you?"

"Ever since I was a kid, you never had a good word for me. You praised my older brother for his courage and determination, my younger brother for his brains and vision. But when it came to me, all you had was disdain. And you say I'm not satisfied?"

"I've been by your side for over a decade, serving you like a butler. And how do you talk about me to others? As a no-hoper, an underachiever, just drifting through life, not even a patch on my brothers."

"You constantly brag about them. What have they ever done for you?"

"Dad, it's you who's never satisfied. You just want all three sons to be perfect like you."

Yorick swayed slightly, sighing deeply as if talking to Dracon and himself at the same time.

"I raised you boys with a firm hand. Your brothers made something of themselves, but you always preferred ease and comfort. And now, you blame me for everything."

"Enough, enough. You're beyond saving. I'm done trying."

Hearing his father give up on him sparked a deep hatred in Dracon's eyes. "You pushed me to this, made me what I am today. You can't just wash your hands of me."

The moment Dracon pulled out his knife, Vivienne swiftly neutralized him with a flick of her wrist, sending a silver dart to block his movements.

The unneutralized drug in his system intensified its effects.

Dracon quickly began bleeding profusely, not just from the mouth but from every facial orifice.

She coldly disposed of the knife Dracon had intended to use against Yorick, scoffing, "Fools always look for excuses!"

Arthur stepped in to support Yorick, his gaze on Dracon void of any emotion.

Blood spilled from Dracon's mouth as he pleaded, "Dad, save me... I don't want to die."

Yorick was visibly shaken by the scene, unable to harden his heart against his son, despite everything.

"Vivienne, for my sake, give him a chance to live."

"Grandfather, the poison isn't lethal!"

Vivienne replied coolly, proceeding to neutralize the toxin in Dracon.

Dracon experienced a rollercoaster of emotions, from despair to relief, visibly wetting himself from fear.

Vivienne looked at him with disdain. "You claim to be smart, complain about unfair treatment, blame your uncle and my father for stealing your glory. But even if you were handed the entire Linklater estate, do you really think you're capable of standing at its pinnacle?"

Dracon's eyes filled with resentment.

Again, capability!

Everyone criticized him for his lack of it!


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