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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 973

Before Vivienne could address the situation, little Winston, who was snuggling in her arms, jolted at the sound, gripping her neck tighter, refusing to let go.

"Something wrong?" Vivienne inquired, looking at him.

Colin, with a serious expression, acknowledged, "I owe Ms. Hawthorn a big thank you for saving Winston!"

Vivienne didn't care to waste any more time. Holding Winston close, she revealed Colin's true identity.

"I know all about your dealings. You haven't done much for Abigail, and it was you who leaked the news about the lab. Considering this, I'm willing to let you off the hook, but a thorough investigation is still necessary. Come with us."

Colin stiffened, realizing Vivienne knew everything about his actions.

As they stepped out of the hall, Draven reported that everything was normal with Hunter, who seemed to have been shocked into silence, unresponsive to any questioning.

Vivienne squinted, not buying that someone who hadn't managed to eliminate Abigail could be so easily traumatized.

"Take him away for solitary confinement," she ordered.

Draven nodded and led the team away.

As Percival was about to take Winston from Vivienne's arms, the boy clung even tighter.

"Sis, can I go home with you? I'm scared here."

Percival was at a loss for words.

"Of course."

Vivienne didn't think twice before agreeing.

With Hunter captured and the rest of the Wright family proving to be unhinged, leaving Winston with them until Colin returned was like throwing a lamb to the wolves. His safety couldn't be guaranteed.

As they were about to leave, Percival smoothly took Winston into his arms, claiming he didn't want to tire Vivienne out.

The pair ahead whispered something to each other, and as they got into the car, Winston suddenly spoke up, "Sis, can I go stay with Auntie?"

Vivienne paused before asking, "You want to go stay with my mom?"

Winston nodded, "You and Percival are newlyweds, I don't want to be a bother. I'd like to stay with Auntie."

Vivienne was speechless, realizing Percival had been filling the boy's head with these ideas.

Percival leaned in and quietly asked, "Madam, I know you're worried about Winston, but are you sure you're up to taking care of a child?"

Vivienne was taken aback.

Continuing, Percival added, "A five-year-old might not need constant attention, but he can't be treated like an adult either. We're not prepared for this. What if we're missing something he needs?"

Vivienne glanced at Winston, who looked like he wanted to say it wasn't necessary but remembered his brother's exact words and chose to stay quiet.

Eventually, the car headed to the Linklater residence. Upon learning about the situation with the Wright family, Sasha was heartbroken for Winston and wouldn't dream of sending him back.

Arthur didn’t pry much into the Wright family's affairs, advising Vivienne to take her time and prioritize her safety above all else.

Later, the couple broached the subject of when Vivienne planned to have a proper wedding celebration.

Vivienne dismissed the idea, feeling she had already done enough for the wedding and didn't see the need for more fuss.

Percival wisely chose to remain silent.

Arthur, looking at Percival, couldn't hide his dissatisfaction. He had planned to take Sasha on a belated honeymoon abroad after his daughter's wedding, hoping to make up for missed opportunities in their youth. But now, concerned for his daughter's safety, he had postponed their plans, fearing for Vivienne's well-being in their absence.

Chapter 973 1


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