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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 21

The Heiress’ Return & Revenge D Chapter 21 Thankfully, They Were Rescued Deuce observed as the two celebrities swam towards the two children. He watched nervously, but refrained from impulsively jumping into the water. It was already too late for him to do so. All he could do now was pray for the safe return of the two kids, thanks to the efforts of the celebrities. Only then did he understand why Simone had immediately jumped into the reservoir upon arrival. She had predicted that the two children would soon be in danger. Now, the others also realized why she had taken the plunge and swam towards the children when they were not yet in danger. Jonah, who had been watching the live stream, immediately sensed that the situation was more complicated than it seemed when Simone dived into the water. He knew of her skills in physiognomy and other mystical arts. Thanks to her talisman, his wife had been saved from an accident before.



Therefore, he quickly called the head of the medical team they had brought along, instructing them to hurry to the scene and prepare for a rescue. However, when he saw Zac jump into the water as well, his expression turned to horror. “Why did this guy jump in too? If anything goes wrong, the show and I will be finished!” Thankfully, Simone and Zac swiftly reached the children before any accidents occurred. Simone arrived just in time to grab one of the kids when the current pulled them away. Zac followed a few seconds later, managing to seize the other child. After securing both kids, they swam towards the shore while the onlookers anxiously held their breath, watching their progress. Following Jonah’s instructions, the production team quickly snapped a tree branch from the surroundings. Simone swam towards the shore with the child in her arms. Waves crashed against her, and one wrong move could lead to their demise. However, she possessed physical strength and knew how to use it wisely. Despite the water pushing against them, she successfully reached the shore. She first pushed the child onto the coast, but just as she grabbed the tree branch offered by the crew members and was about to climb onto the shore, someone suddenly cried out, “Oh, no! Zac!” She turned and saw Zac, who had also pushed the other child ashore. However, the current grew stronger, and a huge wave engulfed him before he could grab the tree branch.




Without hesitation, Simone let go of the tree branch and swam towards him. Witnessing her sacrifice the chance to climb ashore and instead swim to save Zac, most people on the shore had only one thought. “Is she insane?” Aaron and the others, who had just arrived, also witnessed the scene. They had spent the entire morning searching and finally found a family that needed help picking fruit. Following the family to the orchard, they saw Simone running in a certain direction. Moments later, they saw Zac and others chasing after her. Sensing that something might have happened, they followed suit. When they arrived, they witnessed 1/3 Chapter 21 Thankfully, They Were Rescued @51%8 Simone and Zac pulling two children out of the reservoir. However, before they could fully comprehend the situation, Simone gave up the chance to climb ashore and turned to save Zac instead. “Simone!” Both Aaron and Leon’s expressions changed as they instinctively ran towards the shore. Jodie’s eyes darkened as she observed their strong and anxious reactions.




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