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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 222

Chapter 222 Who Said He Could Run Away? 

After hearing this, the others were at a loss for words. 

It turned out to be so easy to take away their luck 

Harold couldn’t help but laugh. “Here you go, all for you. You guys are so amusing. While you guys are still having fun, Jodie is thinking to herself how easily she can deceive these idiots.” 

If it weren’t for Simone, they wouldn’t have discovered Jodie’s true intentions. They would have definitely agreed to such a request and willingly given their luck to Jodie. 

Titus’ face became even more unpleasant. “If you don’t speak up, no one will consider you anything more than a mute.” Can she stop being so hurtful? Just listening to her makes me think that we are so foolish… 

Suppose it weren’t for what happened after Simone left home. If Jodie made such a request, they might think it was a joke, and they would coax her and agree to give their luck to her. 

That would be truly miserable. 

Titus asked, “But we don’t know if giving her luck is a real thing. If such a situation arises, would it still count if we agree?” 

Simone replied, “Of course it would.” 

“No matter how you ask, as long as you don’t have any thoughts of refusal in your hearts and you say it out loud, the spell to transfer luck will take effect. So, in the future, if someone keeps asking you if they can borrow some luck from you or if they can benefit from your luck. You have to think carefully about how you answer. Sometimes, you might think it’s a joke, but it could be real. This is just borrowing luck; there’s an even more malicious way of borrowing life.” 

Titus and the other two shivered-with only one thought in their minds: they must not 


If it weren’t for Simone mentioning it, who would have known about these twisted methods? 

It was truly terrifying. 

Imus frowned. “This method is truly sinister and cunning. Most people wouldn’t be prepared for it, right?” 

The group of brothers would never think of these kinds of methods and take precautions. 

Harold said, “Well I would definitely be prepared 

He glanced at Gwen and continued, “Unless Gwen asks me for it, I wouldn’t agree to anyone 


He has always been cautious with people like Freya, carefully considering his actions and 


Aaron and Leon were speechless. This guy is too cunning. He can even use this to show loyalty. 

Gwen was lost for words, too. She glared at Harold in annoyance and said, “You’ve annoyed. me again, thanks!” 

Simone agreed, “You’ve annoyed me too.” 

Harold suddenly made such a loyal statement; it was really cheesy. 

Their words couldn’t help but make Titus and Leon laugh gleefully. 

Serves them right! Titus said disdainfully, “Harold, you really are too cheesy today.” 

Leon nodded. “Not just them, even I feel nauseated by you.” 

Harold was utterly speechless. He shouldn’t have brought these two troublemakers with him today since they were just dragging him down. So, he cleared his throat and said, “Let’s continue with the main topic.” 

He remembered a question. “If we look at it this way, doesn’t Leon manage to escape?” 

Titus looked at Leon and said, “We’ve all been tricked, and Leon managed to avoid it?” He then sneered. “Why is that?” 

Harold teased from the side. “Could it be because of Jodie’s love for Leon?” 

The smile on Leon’s face immediately disappeared. “You two better shut up. What benefit do I get if I get unlucky too?” 

They were supposed to be best friends, but they were worse than useless. 

Harold shrugged. “Isn’t it better if we’re all in this together, like brothers in adversity?” 

Titus nodded. “I think so too; being brothers in adversity is better. But obviously, Leon, you managed to escape, making us envious!” 

Of course, they were just joking. 

They had fallen into the trap themselves, but they still hoped their brother could escape. Simone raised an eyebrow. “Who said he managed to escape? Don’t forget, he and Gwen are 


twins. It means that his destiny and Freya’s are the same. He could also be the target of stolen luck. His hair and blood must be the same as Gwen’s; they were probably taken away together and cursed.” 

As for who that person was, it was most likely their birth mother. 

Then, she continued, “As long as he continues to help and indulge Jodie like before, then he will be like a brother to the Gray Family. If Jodie lets him take the luck, and he agrees, the luck will be transferred to Jodie.” 

Harold and Titus didn’t understand. “If their destiny and Freya’s are the same, and he’s the target of stolen luck, what does it have to do with Jodie?” 

Gwen understood this question and said, “Because they are sisters.” 

She asked Simone, “Can they steal luck from each other through this blood relationship?” 

Simone gave her an approving look. “Gwen is indeed clever. They have the same bloodline. As long as they are connected by a secret method at birth, they can complement each other. Jodie’s relationship with Leon also means that she can be involved with Freya. Freya’s birth chart can counteract Leon’s, so Jodie can ask for luck from Leon and have it granted.” 

If one had not been cursed or had someone ask for luck on their behalf, naturally, they would not have it taken away. 

Otherwise, the world would be in chaos. 


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