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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 254

Chapter 254 The Right Approach

Tommy and the others followed suit.

One of the high-ranking members of the Reich Family frowned and remarked, “This Jane is truly arrogant. Her words imply that this public plate of good jade is already considered the possession of the Fordsons. The most skilled gambling master of the Fordsons stated, ‘In the past two years, Jane has risen rapidly in the gambling world and gained significant fame. Every time she participates in a public or private plate, she always returns with great success. Her success rate in gambling on stones has reached over ninety percent, and she can almost always acquire top-grade and high-grade jade. People in the gambling circle claim that she is a natural gambling master with unparalleled talent. So, we must not underestimate her this time.”

Another gambling master added, “Indeed, she is truly remarkable. Just by touching it, she can determine if there is jade in the raw material. The selected raw materials, when opened in public, never seem to disappoint.”

Felix recalled his own experience and said, “Who knows if she used some mysterious method to achieve this?”

Regardless, he was certain that the woman employed some shady means.

The gambling master helplessly said, she has taken away all the good jade.”

No matter what method she used, the fact remains that

Simone suddenly asked, “With her fame and skill, hasn’t she attracted attention?” It seems that Jane is very high-profile in the gambling circle! It’s normal; the more exceptional she is, the more attention she garners in the Fordsons and the more influential she becomes. She will also be sought after in the gambling circle and establish connections with powerful individuals. No wonder Jebediah, the heir, still has to consider Jane’s opinion.

But being so high-profile, she would usually attract attention.

The special department and the geomancy association should also take notice, theoretically.

The gambling master said, “It’s impossible not to, but Jane has someone protecting her from behind the scenes. No one dares to touch her, which is why she is so arrogant.”

Simone asked, “Isn’t it the Fordsons behind her?”

The gambling master replied, “No, the Fordsons don’t have the ability to let her be so arrogant and monopolize so much jade without consequences. It is rumored to be a formidable figure, but their specific identity is unknown. There have been daring individuals who targeted her before, but they all suffered miserable fates. After that, no one dared to

touch her again”

Simone asked again, “Has the geomancy association and the special department investigated. her exceptional skills?”

The master of stone gambling replied, “Indeed, some people suspected that she used improper methods in stone gambling and reported her. The geomancy association sent people to investigate, and the result was that they found no issues with her. The reason she is so skilled is because she has a natural talent.”

The master of stone gambling looked envious, “So, this is something we can’t envy.”

Simone nodded. “I see.”

People from the geomancy association came to investigate, but it’s unclear whether they genuinely didn’t notice any problems with Jane or if they intentionally covered it up. She leaned toward the latter. It seems that there are people from the geomancy association who support Jane. That makes sense. The people behind the scenes have been planning for many years and have set up such a large network. It must not be simple.

This public auction was the largest in nearly a decade, attracting many domestic jewelers and stone gambling enthusiasts.

The scene was bustling with activity.

This public auction followed a one-way auction format.

The bidding methods were divided into two types: open bidding and sealed bidding.

Open bidding meant that each stone had a base price. You would remember the number of the stone, and then everyone made their bids together.

If no one would compete, you could acquire it at a low price.

If someone competed and raised the price, the price of the rough material would increase, but one would know the price range.

The other type was sealed bidding.

Similarly, if you had found a stone you like, remember its number, and write your bid on a form, then put it in a ballot box.

In the end, the highest bidder would win.

The public auction was divided into four sections: A, B, C, and D. Sections A and B were for open bidding, and sections C and D were for scaled bidding.

Today’s focus was on open bidding.


For sealed bidding, after the people submit the bid forms today, the results would be announced the next day.


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