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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 257

Chapter 257 But She Couldn’t Do Anything About It

Jebediah covered his swollen face, staring at Jane in disbelief.

In the past, when Jane was unhappy, she would scold him, but this was the first time she had actually hit him.

His face darkened. “Have you gone crazy?” Jane looked at him. “You ruined this open bid. Shouldn’t I hit you?” Yes, it’s all because of this useless person.

If he hadn’t accidentally touched her hand, the water bottle wouldn’t have fallen on the notebook.

Although her ability had temporarily disappeared, she could still manage this auction.

But now she couldn’t even do anything about the open bid

She couldn’t bear this responsibility, so she had to let Jebediah handle it.

Jebediah laughed in anger. “I barely touched you, and now it’s my responsibility? Instead of wasting time blaming me, why don’t you quickly record a new set of data? We still have time. to bid.”

After being slapped, he naturally resented Jane in his heart.

But because he still relied on Jane’s ability, he had to endure it for now.

When Jane became useless in the future, he would definitely pay her back double.

However, Jane sneered, “You’ve ruined my mood. I have a headache, and my whole body. hurts. I can’t concentrate on examining the raw anymore.”

She acted as if she was going to give up. “So, I have no choice.”

Jebediah wanted to strangle Jane when he saw this.

But he had no choice but to continue coaxing her. “Jane, it was all my fault just now. Don’t be angry.”

“Now, take a good look at the numbers again, or else it will be too late.”

Jane also wanted to look, but she couldn’t make sense of it.

The key was that she couldn’t let Jebediah and the others from the Fordsons know.

So, she ignored Jebediah, pretended to be angry, and gave up.



No matter how Jebediah tried to coax her, it was futile.

Jebediah also became angry and instructed the few stone gambling experts he had brought quickly go and examine the raw materials farther back in the line.

They had to remember the ones they were confident about and then rush to the auction

Jane breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this.

Half an hour later, the group returned to the auction hall.

The few stone gambling experts hurriedly wrote down some numbers, and now they could only rely on luck.

Jane’s act of giving up not only angered Jebediah but also upset the others.

But her ability in stone gambling was too astonishing, and she was the company’s cash cow, so everyone had to endure it.

They went in and took their seats.

Jane noticed that June’s seat was empty.

So, she asked, “Where is June?” Jebediah shook his head. “I don’t know. She didn’t seem to go out with us just now.”

Jane’s face changed, and she asked, “Why didn’t you keep an eye on her?” She had noticed that her ability to sense the quality of the raw material had disappeared while they were outside, but she wasn’t too worried yet.

She thought to herself that as long as June was there, everything would be fine.

She asked the man to continue helping and to gather more of June’s luck, which would surely restore her ability, but now that June was missing, she was truly panicked.

Jeladiah noticed that Jane was acting strangely today and said. “Maybe she went to the

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Jebediah was confused, but seeing Jane’s slightly frantic appearance, he could only say, “Okay, I’ll go and find her. You take care of the auction here.”

Although he didn’t understand why Jane was so concerned about June, he had some guesses. Every time Jane went out to gamble on stones, she always had to bring June with her.

Seeing Jane’s recent strange behavior and her insistence on giving up, he thought that it could be that she suddenly couldn’t gamble anymore. Was it because June suddenly disappeared? As he thought about this, he started to feel anxious and immediately got up to search for June with his men.

Jane was anxious in her heart and felt a bit lost about the upcoming auction.

She asked the stone gambling experts to handle the auction themselves, but they all declined.

They insisted that she should do it.

Jane had no choice but to follow the instructions given by the experts and start the bidding.

When Jane started the bidding, Simone deliberately raised the price.

Knowing Jane’s current state, she would definitely hold her ground and compete fiercely.

Sure enough, after Tommy raised the price, Jane continued to bid.

She appeared not to want Tommy to win and was determined to win herself.

After bidding a price that was much higher than the actual value of the raw material, Tommy

gave up.

By the time Jane regained her composure, she had already been outbid and lost more than twenty pieces of raw material.


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