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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 262

Chapter 262 Sever Ties With That Person 

When Jane spat blood and fainted, Jebediah looked down at her with disgust. However, she was still taken to the nearby hospital. 

Jebediah felt extremely embarrassed when he felt the gaze around him. Some shot him a mocking gaze while some enjoyed the spectacle. Sadly, he couldn’t leave just yet. 

Because of Jane, the company suffered a great loss of hundreds of millions. She couldn’t even obtain the key piece of jadeite. Because of that, it would have a huge impact on the company’s plans for the next year. 

Without the jadeite, what could they use to promote high-end jewelry? He could only ask the headquarters to send more money and buy some jadeite that others had extracted on-site. 

Unfortunately, there were very few people selling premium jadeite. Those who sold theirs. would mark up the price, sometimes surpassing their expectations, so they had no choice but to give up. 

Having already lost hundreds of millions, the company faced tight liquidity. 

After he tried acquiring it for a long time, his efforts were in vain. 

At this moment, his resentment toward Jane reached its peak. The higher-ups of Fordson Jewelry also look displeased. Not only did the public auction result in failure for them, but it also turned them into clowns within the entire industry. It was way too embarrassing for all of them to bear. 

Conversely, Reich Group had a relatively good harvest this time, affording them the chance to revert to their state from three years ago. 

Tommy saw most of the raw materials selected by Simone extracted a lot of jadeites. 

He smiled and asked, “Master Gray, are you selling these jadeites that you extracted? If so, why not sell them to our company at the market price?” 

That would mean he was willing to purchase with a price higher than the public auction because he admired her ability. 

Simone smiled and shook her head. “I’m not selling them. I’m going to use these jadeites” 

Felix chuckled, “Are you going to use them to make jade talismans for protection?” 

Simone replied, “Yes. The cost is lower, and the quality is better than buying jadeite elsewhere.” 



Felix smiled. “When you’ve made them, please save a few for us.” 

Simone reciprocated with a smile. “We’ll see when the time comes.” 

It was already late at night by now. There were so many jadeites to be appraised that the auction only ended late into the evening. 

Tommy suggested that his bodyguards help her safekeep the jadeites before she shipped 

them tomorrow. 

Simone agreed to his offer. After all, she couldn’t afford to carry so many jadeites back to the hotel. 

Then, she drew a few talismans and stuck them on the safe where she and Zac stored the jadeites. 

She also stuck some for Tommy’s company. 

This way, it would prevent anyone from switching or stealing the jadeites using any abnormal ways. 

On the way back to the hotel, Tommy asked Simone, “Master Gray, I’ve discovered something. Jane’s stone gambling expertise seems to only work when June is present. Am I right?” Simone was not surprised that Tommy had noticed this. 

After all, any clever person could sense that something was off about Jane’s performance in the past few days. 

“Yes, June is the key for her to possess that mysterious gambling ability.” 

Curious, Tommy asked, “Does this mean that June is actually the stone gambling master? Is she just being used as a pawn by Jane?” 

Simone replied, “No. June does not possess such abilities. But her luck has been borrowed by Jane through a special method. That’s why Jane cannot leave her.” 

Upon hearing this, Tommy understood. 

Jane’s outstanding gambling ability was indeed achieved through unconventional incans. 

“As long as June doesn’t leave, will Jane continue to possess this ability?” Naturally, he did not want Jane to rise again. 

Simone reassured him. “Don’t worry. The unconventional methods they used before have been broken. Now, whether or not June is by her side, she will no longer possess that ability Moreover, due to her previous actions of stealing others’ luck and cheating in gambling to seize opportunities from others she will suffer a backlash in the future The incident trom 


the past few days was a perfect example. She couldn’t obtain any jadeite from raw materials. It was the karma she deserved.” 

“Does that mean she will continue to suffer in the future?” 

Simone nodded. “Yes. Starting from today, she will grow even more unlucky.” 

Borrowing luck was not so easily done, and when it was time to repay, it could make one miserable. 

Nevertheless, she was not worth sympathizing for as she had brought this upon herself. 

Tommy felt relieved upon hearing her explanation. 

With a meaningful smile, he uttered, “It seems like we can take the opportunity to teach her a 


Tommy had held a grudge against Jane for the incident where she almost killed his brother. If he didn’t personally seek revenge, he wouldn’t be able to let go of it. 

Simone reminded him, “Not only can we teach her a lesson, but we can also stir things up with Fordson Jewelry.” 

Considering Jane’s character and the mastermind behind her, losing the gambling ability meant there was only one way to acquire more jadeites: seizing power. 

When she returned this time, she would definitely compete with the Fordson Family for power and profit. 

Tommy could meddle in their family affairs and make both Jane and the Fordson Family 


Fordson Jewelry relied on Jane’s unscrupulous means all along to develop their business to its current scale. Now, it was time for them to pay for their past sins. 

Fordson Jewelry was the greatest source of jade supply to the mastermind behind Jane. 

This time, she must sever ties with that person no matter what 

Tommy understood and smiled knowingly. It’s time to cause trouble for Fordson Jewelry 

When he was fighting against Fordson Jewelry previously, he took into consideration that the Fordson Family was part of his wife’s family 

Hur bow he didnt have to worry about it any more He could do whatever made him happy 

Tonam thought for a moment and ward Will June return to the kophontumise hast 

assumed that June’s sudden disappearance and detachment from Jane must be related to 


Simone responded, “No, she won’t.” 

Tommy nodded. “That’s good.” 

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Jane woke up. 

She felt extremely weak and looked very pale. 

Only her assistant stayed in the ward with her. 

“Where is Jebediah?” Her assistant replied, “Mr. Fordson has gone to buy jade.” 

At the mention of jade, Jane felt a surge of nausea, so she instructed her assistant, I’m hungry. Get me something to cat.” 

She didn’t actually have an appetite at the moment, but she just wanted to get rid of the person in the room. 

“Sure!” The assistant immediately got up and left. 

Now that Jane was left alone in the ward, she reached out and grabbed her phone. 

The group chat where the company’s top executives were was in chaos. 

It was filled with accusations and insults toward her, demanding an explanation. 

Jane’s eyes were filled with scorn. 


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