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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 285

Chapter 285 She And Bailey Share A Surprising Connection 

Bailey exuded an air of elegance, with a subtle smile playing at the corners of his lips. “My master is skilled in harp, chess, calligraphy, and painting, so I have been learning from him. since I was young.” 

Simone nodded, “I see. Your geomancy skills must be very advanced. I can’t discern anything from your facial features. That means your abilities are superior to mine.” 

Although she was testing him, most of what she said was true. His facial features didn’t seem to be concealed, but she couldn’t see through them and could only discern a few basic things. For the most crucial aspects, she couldn’t see anything, which indicated that his abilities were likely higher than hers. 

What she could see was that he, Jodie, and the others had no blood relation. In other words, he was not one of them. She had a faint feeling that he had reached the highest level of unity between man and nature as a geomancy grandmaster, and his strength was formidable. 

However, achieving such a high level of unity at such a young age was extremely unlikely. There must be some secret behind this, or there might be some variables about him. 

Bailey smiled faintly. “That’s not necessarily true. From your facial features, I can’t see through you, so your abilities are also very strong.” 

While Simone was observing him, he was also observing Simone. To his surprise, he couldn’t see through her facial features, but her abilities were only in the innate realm. 

According to reason, this kind of situation would only occur with geomancy grandmasters who had reached the level of unity between man and nature. It also indicated that something must have happened to her. Nevertheless, the more he couldn’t see through her, the more it piqued his curiosity and interest in investigating. 

Simone smiled. “You are too modest. Let’s find an opportunity to spar another day?” 

He nodded and smiled. “Sure, I have the same idea.” 

Simone felt that she had met a worthy opponent. Moreover, this opponent was even more challenging The person behind the scenes had really made a move this time, sending someone like him. 

What puzzled her the most was why this person had the seal of her master in his hands. So, she asked with a smile. Is your master a grandmaster of the geomancy association? I don’t know it I know him Of course, if it’s inconvenient to say, just take it that I didn’t ask. 

Two semors had brought her into several groups of geomancy grandmasters, and she had also recently joined the geomancy association, exchanging ideas with some grandmasters in the group 


Chapter 285 She And Bailey Share A Surprising Connection 

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Bailey smiled. “There’s nothing inconvenient about it. My master is Magnus Hart, and 

know him.” 


This time, she was truly surprised. “Mr. Hart is your master? If that’s the case, that makes my senior?” 


The staff of the program had asked Bailey earlier, and he had said that he was 25 years old, older than her. Magnus was her master’s senior and also the vice president of the geomancy association. She hadn’t expected that they would have such a connection. 

With this, things were becoming more and more complicated because her master’s senior was unexpectedly involved. Could it be that Bailey wasn’t arranged by the one behind the scenes, and it was just a coincidence today? But her intuition told her that it wasn’t that. simple. 

Smiling openly, Bailey said, “That’s right, my junior. We do have fate. When I saw you just now, I was surprised. My master has mentioned you to me before and even showed me your photo. I thought it would be interesting to be on a variety show with you, so I agreed. And because you’re my junior, that’s why the seal is connected to you.” 

Simone understood what he meant. He should know that the seal belonged to her master. She smiled and said, “I didn’t expect that there would be this connection between us. That seal, could it be that my master gave it to you?” 

He smiled with his eyes. “You’re clever. I’ve met my master’s junior three times, and the last time, he gave me this seal. But when I went to pick it up, the seal fell to the ground, and I couldn’t have it. So, I returned it to him, but he didn’t take it back. He said to keep it for now and give it to someone who is destined for it in the future. Three years ago, I left the seal in that shop, and unexpectedly, you became its destined owner. This truly is a destined fate from heaven.” 

Simone said, “Is that so? That’s coincidental. Her smile deepened. “I thought that you left the seal in the shop, waiting for me, the destined person.” 

Bailey paused for a moment and chuckled. “If you want to interpret it that way, it’s also possible.” 

Simone changed the topic, “Is Mr. Hart in the city? I’ve been thinking that after the variety show ends, I’ll visit him.” 

“Master has gone out for business and may not be back until next month,” he replied 

Simone smiled with a hint of regret. “Then, I’ll have to miss him this time.” 

He laughed. “There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.” 

As they walked, they chatted while Aaron and Leon beside them were surprised, not 



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Chapter 285 She And Bailey Share A Surprising Connection 


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expecting that the amateur guest they had found would turn out to be Simone’s senior. 

The audience in the live broadcast room was also very surprised. One by one, they expressed their amazement. 


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