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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 307

Chapter 307 Can’t Get Over This Joke? 

As anticipated, confusion spread among the audience in the live-stream room. 

Even Jodie’s actions had misled them, leading them to believe that Simone and the others were intentionally targeting the audience. 

Upon hearing the explanations from the trio, the audience realized they had misunderstood the situation. 

Jodic is so cunning. She wants to rearrange the teams and deliberately finds faults to blame on Simone and the others. 

“Zachy reminded them and asked them yesterday” 

They chose not to go. How did they become isolated and bullied?” 

Jojo is now acting innocent’ 

These two are a perfect match. I think they should stick together! 

Jojo wants to switch teams, which actually makes sense. With Simone and the others, it’s true that they would steal the spotlight. 

‘But if they can steal the spotlight based on their abilities, can’t Jojo and Mr. Andrew do the 


‘So, psychologically, they feel like they are lost.” 

“They feel like they can’t compare to Simone and the others, so they want to switch teams to gain the spotlight. 

Jojo is truly a woman who can manipulate the Gray brothers. 

‘She truly deserves to be the playgirl. Her ability to scheme is strong 

Upon reading these live chat messages, the audience, initially misled by Jodie, now felt disgusted. 

Upon reflection, it became evident that Jodie had intentionally focused on this matter from beginning to end. 

Had it not been for Zac’s reminder in the group chat, the idea of intentional isolation and bullying might have appeared reasonable. However, in the current context, everything seems Tar-fetched 


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Chapter 307 Can’t Get Over This Joke? 

The entire situation appeared to be a setup to switch teams and manipulate misunderstandings. She almost succeeded. 

Even the audience members had been part of this calculated move, and their perception of Jodie took a hit. 

They became curious to witness Jodie’s performance in another team and whether she could still steal the spotlight. 

Meanwhile, in a leisure area of a hotel abroad, Titus and Luca were sitting, watching the live stream and reading the live chat. 

Luca wore an expression of speechlessness. “Why do these people always have to bring the three of us into it?” 

Every time they were mentioned, it was suggested that they were being manipulated by Jodie. He felt embarrassed. 

Titus also had a wry smile. “Yeah, can’t we get past this joke?” 

Every time it was brought up, he felt like they were being dragged out for public ridicule. 

It was as if they were really pets that Jodie kept. It was truly embarrassing. 

Luca sighed. “When will this end? My concert, which was originally postponed due to the previous trending topic, is affected even more now. Recently, because of Jodie and Andrew constantly trending. I have also been affected by their troubles. This morning, my agent called me and said that there have been quite a few fans returning tickets for my concert these past few days.” 

He felt really down at the moment. 

The previous variety show failure was embarrassing, but it ended up boosting Harry’s popularity instead. 

Harry’s new song had been topping the charts on various apps recently, firmly holding its position in the top five. 

Not only did one of his songs become a hit, but with Simone’s help from the previous season and his own clever moves, Harry had become popular as well. 

On the other hand, Luca’s new song didn’t do well in terms of recording and distribution due to the previous variety show incident. 

Now, even the concert had turned out like this. He had no clue what to do. 

This was the most miserable experience he had had since his debut. 

10:55 Sat, 16 Dec 

Chapter 307 Can’t Get Over This Joke? 

+15 Free Come 

Titus glanced at him. I’m not doing any better than you. The vice president of the company personally called me yesterday. He told me to take a good rest and not to rush back to work. The implication is that I shouldn’t return to the company to embarrass myself.” 

As a top-tier agent, it was really embarrassing to receive a call from the company’s higher- ups, politely asking him not to come back to work. 

Luca looked at him sympathetically. “Titus, it seems like you’re even worse off. After all, I haven’t lost my job. You seem like you have failed. Why don’t you quit being an agent and start a new career? I think even if you go back in the future, there might not be any artists. willing to work under you. 

With Titus’ current reputation being so bad, the artists might also be criticized along with him. 

Titus remained silent for a moment. Then, he added, “Actually, I think you should also consider a career change. As long as Simone is there, she will overshadow you with Harry. And with Jodie constantly holding you back. You, as a top singer, will soon become a has- been. By that time, when you hold a concert, there will only be a few people watching; that’s when it’s truly embarrassing.” 

Come on, if you want to hit where it hurts, I can do that to you as well. 

Luca fell silent. He retracted his sympathy for Titus. He doesn’t deserve it. 

In order to avoid hurting each other’s feelings, he decided to change the topic. 

“What do you think, besides wanting to show off, does Jodie have any other motives for suddenly wanting to switch teams?” 

Ever since he discovered Jodie’s many schemes and calculations, he didn’t know if it was just his imagination, but he felt like she was up to something, and her motives were never simple. 

Titus had a similar feeling. “Maybe she wants more than just attention. I have a feeling that Andrew might be in trouble today” 

After all, every time Jodie caused trouble, it was always the Gray brothers who got hurt. Andrew, the fool, seemed like he had been fooled by Jodie again. He was the unlucky one. 

Luca nodded. “I also think Titus might have a tough day today.” 

He added, “Let’s just sit here and watch the live stream all day: I don’t feel like going out to play anymore. 

Originally, they were planning to go skiing, but now they wanted to see if Titus would have a Tough time 

10.55 Sat, 16 Dec 

Chapter 807 Can’t Get Over This Joke? 

Titus said, “I don’t want to go either. Let’s cancel the trip and watch the live stream.” 

+15 Free Cons 

They wanted to see for themselves what Jodie was up to and how miserable Titus would be. 

In another hotel room in a different country, Steven and Salma also tuned in to the live stream together. 

Neither of them felt like going out today; they just weren’t in the mood to play. 

Steven hadn’t had time to watch the livestream before. But since he didn’t have work until tomorrow, he wanted to take this opportunity to watch it properly. 

If another embarrassing situation occurred, he could quickly turn off his phone. 

Simone and the other four needed to find two more people to complete their team, so they headed to a specific area. 


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