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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 317

Chapter 317 No Compare, No Despair 

Simone’s suggestion to visit Andrew surprised many people. 

However, upon further consideration, they realized that Simone was truly a compassionate 


On the contrary, just look at Jodie, who was filled with resentment. Has she ever considered going to the hospital to see Andrew, who protected her? No compare, no despair. 

They wondered what Andrew would think if he found out. 

His biological sister, who was hurt, still wanted to visit him. But the foster sister he just protected seemed to have forgotten about him. 

Everyone else misunderstood except for Bailey, who looked at Simone meaningfully. 

This girl is most likely up to no good. 

Meanwhile, Zac’s eyes revealed a hint of amusement. Simone is definitely going to strike a nerve. 

Both of them knew that Simone wasn’t genuinely concerned about Andrew. 

Zac spoke up. “Although Andrew’s personality is not very likable, we should indeed. him since he’s injured like this.” 

go visit 

He then looked at Jodie and asked, “Are you going too? I guess your dear brother probably doesn’t want to see you right now.” 

After hearing that, Jodie’s heart skipped a beat. 

She had been so consumed by her grievances and anger that she had forgotten about going to the hospital. 

Now that Simone brought it up, it was as if she was setting her up for more criticism. 

This woman is truly cunning. And that b*stard Zac is definitely doing this on purpose. 

If he hadn’t initiated the conversation, maybe no one would have paid much attention to her. 

But now, everyone was looking at Jodie. 

Jodie displayed a worried expression and said, “Of course, I’ll go too. I was actually thinking that after the event, I would talk to the director and ask them to take me to the hospital. But it’s best that we all go together now.” 


She meant that she hadn’t forgotten about visiting Andrew. 

Just then, Leon walked over and happened to overhear her words. 

With a rare hint of disgust, he looked at Jodie.. 

“Aaron was so anxious and followed the ambulance to the hospital with Andrew. You really think about the big picture, don’t you? Andrew protected you, and you can still wait until the event is over to think about visiting him.” 

He had been shocked by Jodie’s actions on the polo field carlier. 

He never expected her to be so heartless and ruthless. 

Mom must be blind to protect a woman like her. Doesn’t this also mean that birds of a feather flock together? Is Mom also such a woman? 

At the same time, he decided to learn from his sister and stay away from Melinda. 

Leon’s words completely shattered Jodie’s facade. 

Yes, if she was truly concerned about Andrew, she would have definitely followed the ambulance to the hospital. 

Aaron’s actions would come from a person who was genuinely worried about their loved 


But Jodie was still thinking about waiting until the event was over before going. It was clear that she didn’t care about Andrew. 

In the livestream, there was once again full-screen mockery and insults toward Jodie. 

Andrew’s fans even wanted to strangle Jodie. 

Jodie’s face stiffened, and she resentfully looked at Leon. “Is that so? I didn’t know; otherwise, I would have definitely gone with Aaron.” 

She quickly changed the subject. “Let’s hurry and leave.” 

Leon was becoming more and more outrageous. He deliberately came to expose her secrets. 

How did I provoke them? Just because they regretted it and wanted to seek forgiveness from Simone, do they have to step on me? 

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and her hatred toward Simone grew deeper 

Chapter 317 No Compare. No Despair 

The moment the returned, she wanted to take everything away from me. She snatched away my brothers one by one making them treat me coldly. 

Even Leon, who used to take care of me so much, was taken away and started stepping on me. Simone shouldn’t have come back. She shouldn’t even be alive. 

She clenched her hand tightly in her sleeve. 

I can’t let Simone, this disaster, continue to stay alive and harm me 

Simone could sense the deep resentment and malice from Jodie. This woman will probably cause more trouble in the future. She became more cautious. 

But this time, the backlash that followed would be enough for Jodie to enjoy 

Simone spoke up. “Let’s go to the hospital” 

No one paid attention to Jodie’s words 

As soon as Simone spoke, everyone started moving 

This made Jodie feel even more resentful and jealous. These people really treat me as nothing. 

This is outragroza. 

Jonah had already arranged the carriage. The guests boarded the carriage and would take a car to the hospital once they reached the outskirts of Cubilis. 

At this moment. Andrew’s condition had temporarily stabilized after being rescued. 

He had been taken to the hospital and underwent a series of examinations. 

While Andrew was being examined, Aaron watched the livestream with the phone given back to them by the director before getting in the car. 

With such an incident happening, they needed to contact their family and handle various expenses, all of which required their phones. 

Also, he wanted to see the aftermath and everyone’s reactions. 

Shortly after. Andrew finished the examination 

His injuries were severe, and he needed to undergo surgery immediately. 

As he was being wheeled into the operating room, Aaron was signing the consent form. 

The livestream was still on, and as a result, both of thern saw the scene that had just occurred. 

+15 Five Col 

Chapter 317 No Compare, No Despair 

They heard what Simone and Jodie said. 

Aaron looked conflicted. “I didn’t expect Simone to be the first one to suggest visiting you.” 

He originally thought Jodie would pretend to be anxious and suggest visiting Andrew first. 

Who knew that Jodie didn’t care about Andrew at all and even dared to wait until the event 

was over? 

Andrew felt even more hurt. He didn’t expect it to be like this.. 

The more he compared, the more it hurt, making him regret and sad. 


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