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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 326

Chapter 326 Regrettably, I’m Not Falling For Your Ploy 


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Simone briefly contemplated and deduced that Salma was seeking her out due to Scoundrel No.4. Moreover, she still held possession of that mystical tool 

Upon seeing the response. Aaron couldn’t help but chuckle and sigh. His sister was indeed astute, seeing through the situation immediately. He sent a voice message, echoing the words of the geomancy 

association’s head. 

“My mother wishes to borrow your mystical tool to assist Andrew. 

She responded, “Tell her not to waste her efforts” 

He instantly knew that Simone wouldn’t lend it. It was predictable, after all. Once Simone made a decision, she was steadfast. 

“We can’t sway her. Even Dad can’t dissuade her. Ugh!” 

When his mother was irate, she wouldn’t listen to anyone. 

Simone was indifferent. “Let me meet her, then” 

Regardless, she wouldn’t give the other party any leverage. 

Aaron recalled the conversation between his parents at the hospital, so he warned her. “Mom has been getting along well with Leon’s mother recently. Perhaps she’ll be provoked to cause you trouble. 

Simone found it amusing. “She should exercise her critical thinking. How can she be provoked if she didn’t 

intend to? 

If Salma hadn’t been so quick to believe Jodie’s words without question, why would she accuse Simone of always causing a stir! The thought processes of these two mothers were peculiar, and it was no wonder they were such good friends. 

Aaron was at a loss for words. His sister had just insinuated that their mother lacked entical thinking. Ah. what a headache. 

In her room, Simone had just finished conversing with Aaron and was examining her master’s seal when she heard a knock on the door. Without a second thought, she knew it was Salma. However, she couldn’t be bothered to rise and answer the door. 

Outside the door. Salma knocked persistently with her assistant, but no one responded. Thus, she reluctantly returned to her room. 

An hour later, she knocked again, but Simone didn’t answer. After asking around, she discovered that Simone hadn’t left, which meant her daughter had deliberately ignored her. Feeling both furious and wronged, she thought Simone was being cruel by treating her this way. That night, she tossed and turned in bed due to her anger. 

Simone, on the other hand, had a peaceful night’s sleep. The next morning, she woke up refreshed and went to practice martial arts. Then, she went to the restaurant to join the others 

During breakfast, Aron asked. “What’s our plan to earn money today?” Since arriving in Cabulis, he aut 

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Chapter 326 Regrettably. I’m Not Falling For Your Ploy 

Leon had become mere spectaters. 

After some consideration, she turned to Bailey, suggesting, “How about we make money through physiognomy?” She wanted to test him. 

He nodded and smiled. “Sure, I’m well-versed in it 

Aaron and Leon were disheartened, as it was another task they couldn’t handle. “What about us?” 

She replied. “We can collaborate. Why don’t you try being a stall assistant?” 

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Aaron, looking miserable, protested. “Can we not do that?” He tentatively suggested, “Can we help with attracting customers and moving tables instead?” 

Leon also didn’t want to separate. It wasn’t about gaining an advantage but about being with Simone, even if it was just to observe her. 

She didn’t mind. Whatever you guys prefer” She never expected much from these two teammates. As long as they didn’t cause trouble, she couldn’t care less about them. 

Hearing her say that, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. The other two groups were also discussing their money-making strategies for the day. After finishing breakfast, everyone had just risen to leave. 

Just then. Salma walked in with her assistant. Seeing Simone’s radiant complexion, she felt even more upset. She had spent the night tossing and turning while this girl looked rejuvenated. She was the only one who was bothered by last night’s events! 

Approaching Simone, she forced a smile. “Simone. I’d like to have a word with you… 

Simone looked at her impassively. “Mrs. Gray, there’s nothing for us to discuss.” 

Salma’s smile faltered, clearly not anticipating Simone’s refusal. She suppressed her anger and said “It’ll only take a few minutes of your time. I have something crucial to discuss with you. 

Simone sat back down. Alright, go ahead.” 

The live stream was still running, so she did this intentionally. 

Just as Salma was about to speak. her assistant whispered something in her ear Her expression shifted, and she turned to face away from the camera Then, she looked at Simone and requested, “Can we talk outside?” 

She had only thought about seeking Simone and almost forgot about the livestream. Naturally, she didn’t want to be on camera, let alone discuss those matters in front of an audience. 

Simone declined. “If it’s something important, you can say it here. If not, you can forget it.” 

Salma’s face darkened. “It’s important. That’s why I want to talk outside. She emphasized. “We should do it away from the camera.” 

Simone flashed a smile. “As long as it’s not something scandalous, what’s the harm in saying it in front of 

Sam was taken aback Was Simone implying that what she wanted to say was scandalous’ Her anger a 

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Chapter 326 Regrettably. I’m Not Falling For Your Ploy 


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