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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332 Unveiling Melinda’s Facade. 

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Simone’s words sent shockwaves through the crowd and the viewers watching the livestream. Their gazes instantly turned to Ray Abberton, one of the two men who had stirred up trouble at Simone’s stall, filled with a mix of curiosity and revulsion. 

If Simone’s accusations are true, this man is utterly heartless” 

Morcover, judging by his reaction, they surmised that her words held truth. 

After all, even Ray himself seemed taken aback 

Kay quickly regained his composure, glaring at Simone with a guilty look. “You’re spouting lies! How could I possibly cause my own mother to miscarry?” 

He raised his fist threateningly at Simone, “Believe it or not, I’ll give you a beating if you continue with your fabrications 

Seeing this, Aaron immediately positioned himself protectively in front of Simone, glaring back at Ray “What are you trying to pull? This isn’t the place for your antics. Judging by your reaction, you’re clearly feeling guilty 

Ray retorted defiantly, “Nonsense! I’m not guilty of anything.” 

Simone paid no heed to Ray. Instead, she turned her attention to his companion, “Now, let’s talk about you. You’re a spoiled brat, being an only child. This led you astray from a young age. In school, you bullied your peers daily and even caused injuries multiple times. Your father always bailed you out with money. As you grew older, you became an absolute ruffian. Not only did you harass innocent girls repeatedly, but you also committed murder 

Simone then took out her phone and dialed 911 “Hello, I’d like to report a murder.” 

Ray’s companion was visibly shocked, clearly not expecting Simone to have uncovered his dark past. 

His shock deepened when he realized she knew about the murder he committed. 

Seeing Simone actually calling the police, he lost his last shred of composure. “You witch! What are trying to pull? Stop making false accusations. 

As he lunged at Simone, attempting to snatch her phone, Leon returned from buying pastries. 


Seeing the commotion, he immediately rushed over to protect Simone. “What do you think you’re doing? Stop right there.” 

However, the man knocked hirn over, causing him to fall and scatter the pastries all over the ground. 

Simone was speechless. Leon is such a liability Unfazed by Leon’s fall, Ray’s companion continued to charge at Simone. 

However, she swiftly kicked him, sending him sprawling to the ground. 

She then ended her call. 

11:37 Mon, 18 Dec 

Chapter 332 Unveiling Melinda’s Facade 


“Panicking now is futile. You must face the consequences of your actions. You’ve committed numerous heinous acts, and this is your retribution.” 

Neither of these two are decent human beings. They’ve committed all sorts of atrocities. 

Of course, Mrs. Foster’s nephew, who associates with people like them, is no better. 

The man lay on the ground, clutching his stomach, his eyes seething with rage as he glared at Simone. 

“You’re lying. I didn’t do it.” 

At this moment, he was filled with anxiety. He hadn’t expected his secrets to be exposed when he came to cause trouble. 

As a result, he deeply regretted agreeing to help. It seems there really is a powerful geomancer. This woman can reveal so much just through physiognomy calculations. After all, only I know about the murders I’ve committed. 

He then tried to escape. 

Simone instructed Aaron and Leon. “Stop him quickly.” 

In an instant, Aaron stepped forward and grabbed the man’s clothes 

Leon also got up and rushed forward to help restrain the man. 

Earlier, he had been pushed down by the man in his eagerness to protect Simone. He felt quite embarrassed about not being able to show his bravery in front of Simone. 

So, naturally, he had to make up for it now. 

While struggling the man shouted, “Let go of me! This is abduction!” 

Ray was taken aback by the situation. 

Furthermore, judging by his companion’s panicked state, he deduced that Simone was likely telling the truth. Therefore, he felt guilty and wanted to escape. 

Like his companion, he now also wished he hadn’t agreed to help in the first place. 

All he could do was hope his mother and stepfather weren’t watching the livestream. Otherwise, he would be in deep trouble. 

Ray didn’t want his companion to get caught, so he hurriedly went forward to help. 

“What’s going on? You guys feel guilty after we exposed your fraud, so now you want to harm us? Let him go, or I won’t hold back” 

Just as he reached out to pull Leon away, Aaron intervened. 

Meanwhile, Sumone moved her fingers. Immediately, two strands of negative energy emerged from the knife coins in her personal coin purse and drilled into Ray’s and his companion’s bodies, respectively. 

Bakey glanced at Simone. This girl is up to no good again. But then again, these two brought it upon themselves, so 

they deserve t 

Chapter 332 Unveiling Melinda’s Facade 

The negative energy invaded their bodies and began to affect them. 

The man caught by Leon suddenly turned around and glared at him. 

“Let go. Or else, I’ll kill you along with the others. 

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Ray also kept attacking Aaron. Even if you know our secrets, so what? We have connections. You can’t do anything to us. Let us go quickly, or we will harm you. 

Since Aaron had trained in Tackwondo, he dodged Ray’s attacks. 

Then, he tripped Ray with his foot and swiftly pinned him down. 

You murderers. Don even think about escaping. Just wait for the police to arrive.” 

In truth, he was also amazed by Simone’s extraordinary physiognomy and fortune-telling skills. 

When Ray and his companion heard Aaron’s words, they struggled even more desperately. 


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