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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 422

The mountain was named Spirit Peak because of the intelligent beasts that lived there.

There was also a mountain deity that protected the area, and anyone who hunted animals on the mountain would face consequences.

Some people ignored this superstition and killed several rabbits on the mountain. However, when they returned home, they fell ill one after another.

After this incident, nobody dared to hunt on the mountain anymore.

Prominent signs were even placed at the entrance of the mountain, reminding visitors not to harm the animals or face the consequences.

As they climbed halfway up the mountain, they encountered another sign.

Gwen asked Simone, "Do you believe there is truly a mountain deity on this mountain?"

Simone smiled and replied, "I haven't noticed anything unusual on the mountain. Don't worry, even if there is a problem, as long as we follow the sign's instructions and refrain from harming the animals, we'll be fine."

She speculated that the so-called mountain deity might be related to something indicated on the map.

Upon hearing this, Gwen and the others felt relieved.

Spirit Peak boasted beautiful scenery and fresh air.

As they admired the scenery, they continued their ascent.

Along the way, they encountered many animals that were unafraid of humans.

Rabbits and squirrels even hopped past them.

It wasn't until the afternoon that they reached the camping site.

Although many people were climbing the mountain, there weren't many campers due to it being a workday.

Simone and the others worked together to set up their tents.

Simone purposely had everyone set up their tents in a corner, away from the other campers.

After setting up, they took out the small gas stove and ingredients they had brought and started cooking a hot pot.

The hot pot base and dipping sauce prepared by Simone were delicious, earning praise from Zac and the others.

As for Leon and the guys, they were not skilled in cooking.

They could only smell the enticing aroma and nibble on tasteless, dry food.

Titus looked at Harold and Leon with dissatisfaction. "You two came up with this terrible idea. Following along means we can only smell the food but not eat it."

Their intention was not to come, but Harold and Leon insisted due to their concerns about the mountain's dangers and their worry for Simone and the others.

He wanted to say that even if they encountered danger, Simone's strength and geomancy powers would protect them.

However, these two stubborn individuals didn't listen and insisted on joining.

Carrying their belongings up the mountain was already exhausting for them, as they were not accustomed to exercise.

Now, smelling the fragrant barbecue from afar, Zac and his friends happily enjoyed their meal.

They nibbled on their sausage buns, but their hunger only grew.

It was truly torturous.

Harold smiled and said, "You're just too pampered in your daily life. You should have exercised. Go help your sister keep watch tonight; maybe she'll be impressed by you guys."

Titus gave him a disdainful look, "If she can be impressed by such a small gesture, then she's not herself."

But Harold's idea wasn't bad.

Simone might not be impressed, but she would likely view them differently.

"You guys should also keep watch; after all, Gwen is in the tent, too."

Harold and Leon nodded in agreement, "Of course."

Could it be that Simone came to check on us? Simone approached without speaking.

If that warlock shows up, these guys will definitely be deadweight.


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