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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 443

Chapter 443 From the Beginning, You’re Just a Joke

This woman’s thought process was truly hypocritical.

Mr. Faster sneered, “Wasn’t it you and your lover who have been plotting against me from the beginning? drmnecting was a setup. Before, for the sake of the Foster Family, I had to endure the disgust and deal with; you. Don’t think that you’re so charming that y

hant me and make me a fool in love. Even if

I’m capable, the old man would never let me inherit the company if I was a love-struck fool.”

With a look of disgu: he continued, “Melinda, every time I see you, I feel nauseous and can’t wait to throw you out. So, after you gave birth to Leon and his sister, we never had any intimate relations again. You think you’re keeping yourself chaste for your lover, and I didn’t touch you because I can’t bear to see you suffer. Now, let me tell you, just seeing you makes me want to vomit, let alone touch you. You have no idea how happy I am that you’re keeping your distance from me because of him. Now, car you see yourself clete

Seeing Mel

ing devastated. Mr. Foster felt somewhat relieved. He had endured enough over the years. In the

you and the Foster Family are not related anymore. Cherish the lays ahead in the special department prison, and once you’re released in the future, go back to your beloved family.”

If Melina were to be released, he wouldn’t dirty his hands and do anything to her. What he enjoyed was watching wicked people suffer at the hands of other wicked people, and Melinda’s family were all troublesome and difficult people, including herself. After she was released, let them torment each other,

Trembling with anger, Melinda collapsed to the ground, and tears flowed continuously from her eyes, not because she was pretending, but because she couldn’t believe what she had just been hit with. She had always believed that her husband loved her above all else, but it turned out to be a lie; he had deceived her. this despicable man.

But he loves me so much. No, he couldn’t have changed, she thought in denial. Although the man she loved wasn’t him, she still hoped that she was his most beloved person, so she couldn’t accept these words.

Suddenly, she looked up at Simone and asked, “Did you curse my husband and turn him this way?”

Simone was speechless. “Deep down, you already knew this was true, so why bother finding excuses? People like you are hypocrites for always blaming others for everything. If you hadn’t plotted against Mr. Foster back then, how could you have ended up like this today? If you want to blame someone, you should blame yourself. What? So, you can do the world wrong, but nobody is allowed to do you wrong? But have you ver looked in the mirror? Are you worthy?”

Foster couldn’t agree more with these words. “Yes, sometimes I can’t understand, either. Where does e get such confidence from?” She acted as if she could charm any man. He added. “When you go to

, take a good look in the mirror and repent.”

Melinda still couldn’t accept it. Her husband, who loved her so much, suddenly became so heartless toward her. Crying, she tried to grab Mr. Foster’s trousers. “No, you can’t treat me like this.”

Quickly, Mr. Foster stepped back and avoided her. “This is your retribution Stop struggling.”

Melinda looked up into his cold and icy eyes, instantly feeling like she had been doused with cold water. Why did it turn out to be a scam? Why did he stop loving me?

Seeing las, Joseph asked two men to come forward and restrain Melinda. Each of them held one of her



arms and pulled her up from the ground. “Melinda Carver, you are under arres. Now, come with us to the

pezial department for interogation.

Melinda kept struggling. “No, I don’t want to go to the special department. Then, she adopted a pitiful

ure that she believed was the most charming, looking at Mr. Foster dolefully and begging him to save

Despite that. Mr. Foster remained indifferent, with a look of disdain and disgust in his eyes and on his


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