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The Miraculous Simone Gray novel Chapter 453

Chapter 453 Will They Be So Kind?

Upon seeing Salma’s phone number, jus

me guesses.

“What’s up?” she answered. Salma’s voice sounded awkward as she asked, “Did you take Elbert to see Master Shawn to remove the poison?” Simone replied, “Yes, and it has already been removed. Spit it out What do you want?” Simone said.

Salna commented, “Elbert’s situation is my fault. Thank you for your help. So, I want to invite you and Bailey to have dinner at my place tomorrow night.”

Simone s

revealed a hint of irony as she responded, “I helped Elbert, not because of you, so I don’t need vor inks. Let’s forget about the dinner.

This dor had to have been arranged by that old man.

Salma was not surprised by Simone’s refusal

After, her sighter did not give in to her anymore.

She sighed and said, “I know you don’t like me now, but I’m really glad that Elbert was able to remove the poison.

Just as she was about to continue playing the emotional card, Simone interrupted, ‘No need for small talk Just tell me what you want. If it’s just about dinner, then I’ll hang up.”

She didn’t want to waste time talking to Salma.

Everyone knew each other’s character, so it was better to get straigh to the point.

Salm hesitated before saying, “Don’t hang up. It’s not just about dinner. The great warlock whr lealt with us before is dead, and his master has come to Cebros. He wants to seek revenge on you. Presint Lewis has temporarily suppressed him and wants to mediate between you. So, he wants you to me him


Simone sneered, “Will that old guy be so kind? Is he trying to cause trouble again?”

Se definitely had to attend the meeting but couldn’t agree directly. Otherwise, Lewis would suspect Sonething.

na already had a prepared answer. “President Lewis is the president of the geomancy association When the great warlock from Wocron came looking for trouble, he had the responsibility of handling it This matter not only involves you, but it has also become a matter between two countries’ great warlocks. Hence, President Lewis hopes that you can temporarily put aside your misunderstandings and conflicts and help resolve this matter.”

She emphasized again, “After all, you are now a member of the special department, and many things need to be considered carefully. This is what President Lewis asked her to tell Simone.

Suddenly, Simone retorted, “So, do you also believe that Presid. nt Lewis is just doing his job and not trying to plot against me?”

Salma was taken aback at first before replying, “Yes, he is helping you with this matter, right? Simone, you


Have a big misunderstanding about President Lewis. Would you like to com

clear up the misunderstanding? That was what she really thought.

er lot dinner tomorrow

Lewis was an old man in his hundreds. Why would he bother to plot against Simone, a young woman?

Salms couldn’t think of anything that Simone had that could make Lewis plot against her.

Salma thought Lewis was quite nice.

Recently, he helped her completely eliminate the residual venom in her body.

Although sl as angry at her daughter back then, because she was the president of the geomancy

he had to tolerate and help her daughter.



Just th

one’s silence, Salma added. If you’re not happy when you come, you can leave at any time. of it a dealing with the great warlock of the Wocron. Don’t worry. With Lewis and Bailey here, that great warlock wouldn’t dare to do anything to you in Cebros.”

Simo could that Salma really thought so.


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