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The Omega's fate novel Chapter 10

It is almost morning and Luana stands at the gate that guards the vampire city. She was now wearing her fighting gear of black pants, boot heels, and a brown leather jacket. Her hair was worn up.

Before her, several men stood with glowing cat eyes and fangs out. Their faces have the tribal identification Werecats are known with, stripes.

She grabbed two long swords from her back, one on each hand, and swirled them.

"Let's say we strike a deal, cats. You get outta here and I'll spare your lives or we do this the hard way." Her mouth twitched and her eyes were expressionless giving out an air of confidence.

"The only deal we shall strike, Luana," she heard a voice call out from behind the men and her face looked frightened. He walked up to her front and tilted his hat like a cowboy. "Is about the treasure."

"Shelbrooke?" Her voice was shaky as she saw the man with a deep-cut scar running diagonally across his face.

"Long time no see, my Lady." He smirked. "I've waited this day for a long time."

With that, his fangs shot out and his eyes turned into a cat's. He drew out a long sword and flung it towards her but she was faster as she dodged the weapon.

Some of the cats shrilled and ran after Luana to fight her, while the others turned into huge cats and jumped over the wall into the city. Luana was getting weak and so she had no choice but to call for help. As she turned to run using her vampire speed to the palace so she can alert the army, Shelbrooke cut her with his sharp sword, causing her to fall on her face. Blood splattered across the floor. Not just hers but other cats whom she had fought with and had had a taste of her thirsty weapon.

The only thing she heard was Shelbrooke's footsteps towards her. She felt him place his booted foot on her head.

"I've always wanted to see you beg at my feet as you gasp for breath. You and your father are the reason why I became this way." He ran his index finger across the scar on his face. "You both forgot that an angry lion can never be prevailed over. Today is not the day, Luana. I still want to watch you quiver," he pressed his boots on her face harder before releasing her.

"This isn't over Shelbrooke!" Luana managed to say.

"Ooh! But it is already. I have my men all over your city already. With time, we will strike!" He laughed harder before disappearing into the darkness.

Luana passed out.

The sun is in its best form as it shines over the South Jungle. Working hand in hand with the calm wind that dances over the grasses like one who is listening to her lover's serenade. Over the lawn, good-looking wolves stand at attention with Azrael standing before them and giving commands.

On the other side, the royal siblings move about giggling as they move to go to the breakfast room. They pass by the guest room where Zeidan stands by the window overlooking the garden that leads to the forest where he had first met Lyne.

"Your highness, what bothers you?" He heard one of his men, Bran says. After Wikh, Bran is the second closest. Although he is four years older than the young soldier, he seems to confide in him better than the others, including Wikh.

His golden hair was trimmed at the edge and made to sit across his forehead with wax laid over them. His face looked younger than his age.

"I'm just worried about her," he stated, hands deep in his pocket. His eyes not leaving the trees that spread out in a beautiful sequence.

"Who?" Bran inquired.

He turned to look at the boy whom he has taken to himself since he found him on the streets beaten to a pulp by a group of boys whom he later found out are his brothers who find it satisfying to bully him. He had picked him up and trained him to be a soldier so he could stand up for himself.

"Lyne." He answered after releasing a deep breath.

"She is so soft-hearted, I wonder if she can ever be able to cope with my lifestyle. I'll have no other choice than to let her live her life."

"Whatever it is you think she is feeling or passing through, just know that there is only little you can do to help. The rest lies in her hands."

"You're right. I know what to do." He walked outside after checking his wristwatch that stated the time was 9:03 am.

"I think it's time for breakfast." He strolled out of the room while Bran sat on the edge of the bed, looking around the room lazily.

A few minutes later, a messenger ran in panting as he held a paper in his hands.

"Bran, we are in serious trouble!" He said almost breathlessly while Bran stood up abruptly.

"What happened?"

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