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The Playboy’s Downfall novel Chapter 111

AFTER a few minutes, Apollo’s car arrives before them, and another weird thing happens. Becca opened the backseat door for her.

However, she chooses to ignore it.

“Let’s go…!” Becca exclaimed triumphantly.

“I don’t know what’s happening why both of you are now acting weird.” Isla broke the silence inside the car.

Apollo and Becca looked at each other and smiled.

After a few seconds, they arrived at the Peterson mansion.

“Let me open it for you, princess,” Apollo asserted when Isla was about to open the car door.

She heaved a deep sigh and let the two weirdos start ruining her mood.

“My lady,” Apollo uttered when he opened the door and bowed slightly.

Isla, who’s started to lose her patience, slammed her brother right through his abdomen.

“Fuck!” Apollo exclaimed.

Becca just laughed to the side.

“You’re really stunning, my bestie,” Becca complimented, but Isla just sneered and walked straight to their mansion.

However, when she stepped inside, she felt that something was wrong. “Nana…!” she called the maid, but no one answered.

“Why are you shouting? Just walk towards the garden. I’m starting to get irritated with your choosiness,” Becca asserted and rolled her eyes toward her.

“Wow! I was the one who was getting impatient with your weirdness, yet you have the audacity to complain just because I called Nana?” Isla couldn’t help but raise her voice.

“Ladies… ladies. Chill. Let’s go to the garden,” Apollo went between them and dragged Becca by the arm.

“Stop pestering her, babe,” Apollo whispered to Becca.

Isla heaved a deep sigh and walked her way to the garden. Right when she turned to the left, she gasped in awe because she saw Zero standing there with a bouquet of tulips in his hand.

“Hi,” he greeted which put back her heart on track, but when he slowly walked towards her, her spirit even wanted to pump out of her chest. The silence can be deafening. Zero smiled at her. “Baby…”

“W-What’s the meaning of this?” she whispered, but Zero heard it.

“A bouquet of tulips to the woman that I want to spend for the rest of my life,” he said and handed over the bouquet to her.

With her trembling hands, she reached for it.

Zero’s message was evident to her, and she didn’t know what to feel at this moment. Then suddenly, tears blur her vision.

“I am sorry. I’m not a romantic man—however, I did try my best to plan this. I hope you like it. Shall we?” he asked and motioned his arm, waiting for her.

Isla looked up to meet his eyes. “I… I knew it…” she paused and tried to look at her back, but Becca and Apollo weren’t there.

She smiled at him as she tugged her arms into his, and they both walked towards the pavilion.

Her tears poured stronger when she saw her mom, Apollo, her daughter, Nana, Zero’s parents, and their treasured maids and drivers.

“I am sorry. I really don’t know if this will work—Ouch!” Zero exclaimed when Isla hit his chest.

“Stop being sorry, you jerk. It’s fantastic,” she replied.

Isla is aware that Zero is not a romantic guy since he can get whatever he desires. And this thing really surprises her. Even if she hated surprises, Zero’s schemes hit differently.

“Surprise!” People in the garden exclaimed when they walked closer to the table they arranged at the center.

“The enemies are everywhere, and I can’t risk you and the rest of my loved ones.”

Isla shook her head and wiped her tears. Damn, her makeup was already smudged up.

The Last Chapter 1


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