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The Rejected Luna Queen novel Chapter 7

Aurora’s POV

My eyes popped on hearing the last words from the lips of Mrs Elizabeth.

For a moment, I thought she was simply joking or trying to make me feel happy somehow.

But the look on her face showed me that she was very serious. She had on a confident look that sent shivers down my spine and that’s when I knew she meant every word.

"There are things that you have to understand Aurora dear…” Mrs Elizabeth began, "You must know that most secrets are simply revealed when you decide to become observant. This one is no different and I'll show you. Firstly, I have to sit so I can tell you what I know in a relaxed manner."

I moved a little to my left as she sat beside me. "This woman looks like she knows a lot of things…” Rose, my wolf, whispered to me unexpectedly. She hadn't said a word to me for a while and I was quite astonished to hear her. Yet, it wasn't the right time for us to talk, so I gave her a sign in my mind to be quiet.

"Firstly," began Mrs Elizabeth. "I think that your mask was stolen by no one else but your mom. That is what I think and I'm mostly always right with my thoughts… with my gut instincts."

I was confused. Why would she conclude just like that? I had thought in that direction but the fact that she was sounding so certain even without being there when it happened seemed to get me perplexed.

"How can you tell that, ma'am?" My curiosity needed to be satisfied. I needed to be sure that the woman I called my mother took my mask.

"It's not so difficult to find out if you ask me."

"I might have skipped a very important part of my story, ma'am." I turned around and faced her as she looked at me with so much keenness. I loved that she gave me such attention. Most people could barely stand my mere presence for a minute. "My mate is Alex Bane; the incoming Alpha of the blue moon pack and the lady he kissed is no one else but our princess; Princess Sophia Fenris! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. It was like a nightmare happening in my state of wakefulness. It was unexplainable."

"You still can't connect the dots Aurora?" She asked, taking my hands and squeezing gently whilst she quirked herself brow.

I didn't answer her question, because I had no idea on what to say so I barely uttered a word.

I had no idea what she was talking about but she looked even more confident and serious than before.

"Haven't you noticed that your mother loves Princess Sophia but not you? Have you not observed that she prefers her to you, her child?"

She was right.

To my mother, the Princess never did anything wrong. It was as if she was her child and not me due to the way she was treated. I'd never seen a mother despise her child, like mine despised me.

Yet, she exalted the princess so much, and not just out of duty; there was a genuine likeness that she had for her.

"If the Princess was the one who kissed Alex, your mate, then it's quite possible that your dear mother had a hand in it. It might have been her plan all along."

Secrets… 1

Secrets… 2


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