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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 72

The Rejected Luna

The girl without a wolf

Chapter 68

Alpha King's Stance

The news I heard right now plunged me into a deep, restless state. I can't believe that the swindler mate is still alive and has even returned to his pack. I pictured him dead and rotting in the forest, no way did I imagine that he would outsmart my warriors and return to his pack alive.

But that's not even the real issue right now. Luca just said he found out about my location. It was impossible, how could that swindler mate find out about this Island?

How the hell did he know about it? Oh no, this isn't good. This isn't good at all. I need to act fast, but first, I can't be relaxed without knowing how he got to find out about this secret Island.

I'm pacing back and forth worriedly, I couldn't get myself to calm down.

"How the hell did he find out about this Island?" I asked impatiently. I needed some sort of reasonable explanation.

"I'm not exactly sure, but I think your Beta did a little digging for him. The Vishal-guy and your Beta have formed some sort of alliance," Luca said.

That stupid Ray! I knew it was him, he was the only person close enough to dig into my activities and find something. Now more than ever, I regret ever making him my Beta. He's proven himself worthless time and time again.

The moment I step my foot in my pack, I'm going to behead him and tear him into shreds. His betrayal was unforgivable, he was a fucking sellout, and I do not forgive sellouts.

I'll kill both him and his stupid, bitchy mate, I'll gladly send both of them to hell. Because that's where they belonged.

So many thoughts ran through my head, and I was finding it hard to make a strategic plan. My world seemed to be spinning off balance, and I was spinning along with it. There were so many things to do, but I wasn't sure which one to attend first.

Luca stood and went into the kitchen, probably to get the bottle of water.

With a deep sigh, I hurried over to Jane and began untying the rope.

"Are you leaving?" I heard him ask, as he walked back into the dining area.

"Yes, I have to go find my half-brother but I can't leave Jane behind, knowing Vishal is headed here. I'll never let her go to him," I vowed, still working on the ropes.

I can see the excitement in her eyes, it was as clear as day. Now that she knows that her swindler mate was alive, she'll have renewed guts to defy my words.

But like I said, I'll never let her go to Vishal. I'll never let them have that happy ending they desperately seek. And if today is the day I'll die, I must take Jane with me to my grave. I'll be more than willing to slit her throat so we could die together.

We could do a remake of Romeo and Juliet, except in our case, Juliet has no feelings for Romeo, and Romeo would be the one to end her life.

I was done untying her and I dragged her to her feet. She tried resisting but I held her right, dragging her out of the house.

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