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The Return Of His Unrivaled Ex-Wife (Joanna) novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123 

The bodyguard had no choice but to pull open Irvin’s little hand. Then he carried Irvin up 

Three hours ago

Derick covered Irvin’s mouth and nose, and Irvin fainted. Then, he put Irvin into a trash bag and lifted Irvin to the roof. After that, Derick threw inven into 

the cistern 

After tinking into the water, Irvin felt the coldness from the water and woke up

Fortunately, Joanna had sent Davian and Irvin to learn how to swim since they were young. Therefore, Irvin quickly surfaced after sinking into the water However, Irvin was just a child and did not have good stamina

Irvin had been grabbing the water pipe for three hours

After working for a while, the bodyguards finally rescued Irvin

Here he is! He’s out!” 

Irvin!Joanna immediately rushed forward as if she was on steroids

Irvin’s body was wet, and his face was pale. He widened his eyes in fear as if he was too shocked to speak

Irvin, it’s mommy!Joanna quickly pulled Irvin into her arms and hugged Irvin as she wailed

Mommy?Irvin was stunned and scared. After a while, he burst into tears

Earlier in the cistern, Irvin relied on his willpower to hold on for three hours in the water. He knew he was safe since he saw his mommy. Thus, Irvin cried in grievance and fear

Irvin, baby, it’s alright! It’s all mommy’s fault. I’m so sorry!said Joanna

Seeing Joanna cry like this, Bruce’s heart ached. Bruce also got teary eyes as if he could feel Joanna’s pain. Then Bruce could not help hugging Joanna and Irvin tightly

Bruce said, Irvin is weak now. Hurry up and send him to the hospital.” 

Right. Right! I need to go to the hospital!Joanna hurriedly carried Irvin and walked toward the stairs

Irvin was cold. He must be sent to the hospital now

At this moment, Joanna could not be bothered to blame Derick

A group of people rushed to the hospital

Twenty minutes later

Bruce, Joanna, and the others took Irvin to the hospital 

Joanna said, Doctor, please save my child!” 

Soon, Irwin was sent to an emergency room

Irvin was greatly frightened to death. Fortunately, his life was not in danger

On the contrary, Joanna could not hold on any longer. She closed her eyes and fell

Bruce cried, Joanna, are you okay?Then he caught Joanna and asked a doctor to come over

Sat, 24 

Chapter 123 

Within a minute, Joanna was also sent to an emergency room

Bruce’s heart was beating faster. He paced anxiously outside the emergency room

After a while, the doctor finished the examination for Joanna and walked out of the emergency rooni

Then Joanna was taken out by the nurses

Bruce asked, Doctor, is everything okay with Joanna? She kept trembling uncontrollably just now!” 

The doctor answered, “Oh, no worries. Joanna just suffers from hypoglycemia. Coupled with the sequela caused by overdosing on sertraline.” 

Sertraline? What’s that?asked Bruce

The doctor frowned and replied, That depends on the prescription. Most women take it to treat depression.” 

Hearing the doctor’s answer, Bruce frowned tightly. He thought, If so, does Joanna have a severe depression

But how is that possible

Joanna is such a strong woman. How come she has depression?” 

The doctor said, Now we are sending Joanna to award and giving her two bottles of glucose IV. She may need a long time to recover since her hypoglycemia is severe.” 

I understand,said Bruce

Joanna was taken into a ward with glucose IV. dripping into her arm

Looking at Joanna’s pale face, Bruce could not help touching Joanna’s cheek

Before a bottle of glucose IV. was finished, Joanna woke up from her sleep

Irvin? Irvin? Hiss!Joanna woke up too fast and accidentally touched the needle. It was so painful that she immediately became conscious

Seeing this, Bruce immediately went forward to hold Joanna down and said, Don’t get up. Lie back. Look at how weak you are.” 

Joanna could not lie down and sleep well. She threw the pillow away and said, I’m going to see my son. How’s my son?” 

When speaking, Joanna already got off the bed. It seemed that she did not care about anything but her son. Joanna did not even remember to put on her shoes and hurriedly ran toward Irvin’s ward

Your son is fine now. He’s just frightened,” said Bruce

No, I need to check Irvin by myself.” 

Bruce could not stop Joanna, so he could only bring her to see Irvin

Irvin was sleeping soundly on a bed in the ward with an IV. dripping in his arm. Irvin was unconscious, but luckily, his life was not in danger

Irvin, it’s all mommy’s fault!Joanna pounced on the bed and gently held Irvin’s hand. Tears ran down Joanna’s face

Joanna could not imagine what she would do if Irvin died

Bruce gently hugged Joanna’s shoulder and comforted her, Joanna, don’t cry. Irvin is safe now.” 

As Joanna cried, she suddenly thought of something. Then she suddenly raised her head and looked at Bruce with bloodshot eyes

Joanna asked, Where’s that bastard Derick? I must kill him!” 

Bruce replied, Derick’s in the photography studio. I’ve got people to keep an eye on him.” 

10:43 Sat, 24 

Chapter 123 

Joanna instantly gritted her teeth in hatred. Her entire body was trembling. Joanna murmured, This crazy bastard. I will definitely make Derick pay the 


Joanna thought, It’s okay if they hurt me. However, if they hurt my children, I will fight them to death!” 

Ingrid was still negotiatingwith her two cousins

Today, Ingrid’s two cousins finally showed who they really were

They forced Ingrid to take her clothes off and took many indecent photos of her. Then, they played all kinds of gameswith Ingrid.. 

They kept making it rough for Ingrid. Moreover, they did not care about Ingrid and only cared about their pleasure

Ingrid used to like these exciting games.However, ever since each of her two cousins asked Ingrid for 2 million dollars to keep their mouths shut, Ingrid could not enjoy the moments with them anymore

After the negotiations, Ingrid could not even stand straight. Her lower abdomen hurt terribly

Just as Ingrid was about to go home, her phone rang

Beep. Beep. Beep

Ingrid took out her phone and saw that there were several missed calls. Oddly, they were from an unknown number

Ingrid picked up the phone and asked, Hello, who is it?” 

An anxious female voice came from the other end of the phone, Mrs. Haynes, has Derick gone home yet?” 

Ingrid hated it when people spoke to her without introducing themselves. Thus, Ingrid immediately pulled a long face and asked, Who are you? Why don’t you introduce yourself first?” 

Oh. Umm, I’m Derick’s girlfriend!” 

When Ingrid heard this, sty said in a softer tone, Oh, you’re that star.” 

Mrs. Haynes, when I was with Derick, a few men in black suddenly took Derick away! I didn’t know what to do, so I’m calling you now!” 

Hearing this, Ingrid frowned and asked, What? Some men in black took Derick away? Who are they?” 

The girl cried over the phone, I don’t know. They said Mr. Everett sent them. In a word, they’re fierce

Derick hasn’t called me back until now. I’m afraid that something will happen to him. All I can do is to call you, but I couldn’t get through your phone for a long time.” 

Ingrid’s body went cold, and she felt a premonition of something horrible. Then Ingrid replied, “Oh, okay. I got it.” 

After hanging up the phone, Ingrid hurried to the garage. She ignored the pain in her legs and lower abdomen and called Shaun as she walked

After the phone went through, Ingrid said anxiously, Hi, hubby!” 

Shaun asked, What? Have you lost all your money?” 

Ingrid replied, No. Is Rick home?” 

Shaun answered, No, Rick’s not home.” 

When Ingrid found out her son was not home, her heart beat faster. Ingrid said, Someone just called me and told me that Bruce had taken Rick away!” 

Bruce took Rick away? Why would Bruce do so?” 

Ingrid replied, How would I know

Chapter 123 

Hurry up. Get Roxy to call Bruce and ask him what’s going on!” 

Oh, oh, on it 

Roxanne listened from the side and felt nervous, “Dad, what happened?” 

Shaun replied, Your mother just called and said Bruce had taken Rick away. Hurry up and call Bruce. Ask him what’s going on.” 

When Roxanne heard this, she did not dare to waste time. Then she hurriedly called Bruce

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz

Bruce’s phone vibrated

Bruce took a look at it. After seeing it was a call from Roxanne, he immediately hung up

After that, Roxanne called over ten times. Bruce was annoyed and finally picked up, saying, Yep?” 

Bruce, did you take my brother away?” 

What about it?Bruce’s voice was cold


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