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The Return Of His Unrivaled Ex-Wife (Joanna) novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 

The next day

Bruce came back to the Everett mansion with Roxanne

At the Everett mansion


Grandma, I brought Roxy home to see you!” 

Margaret was lying quietly on the bed

Because of her health, she was bedridden most of the time

Hearing her grandson’s voice, Margaret opened her eyes and said shakily, Bruce is here” 

Roxanne went to the bedside quickly and took Margaret’s hand. She greeted her sweetly, Grandma!” 

Margaret held Roxanne’s and Bruce’s hands and put them together

You have to get married soon. Grandma wants to see you get married! Have a child soon. Bruce is not young anymore/It’s time for you to have a child.” 




Grandma, don’t worry. You’ll definitely get to meet your greatgrandson

I’ve discussed it with Roxy. We’ll get married next month.” 

Margaret took a deep breath and struggled to sit up. When is the wedding?” 

Bruce and Roxanne helped Margaret to sit up quickly and placed a soft pillow behind her back

The wedding is set for the eighth of next month!” 

When Margaret heard this, a smile appeared on her aged face. Oh, I should be able to make it then

As long as I can see the two of you getting married, I’ll be satisfied!” 

Bruce held his grandmother’s hand tightly and said gently, Grandma, don’t think too much! You’ll definitely live to a ripe old age

I’ll also work hard for you to meet your greatgrandson as soon as possible!” 

Margaret smiled. After you get married, you have to live a good life! The two of you need to be tolerant of each other and accommodate each other!” 

Yes, we will” 




Margaret reminded them more intermittently

Then, her eyelids sank and she was a little sleepy

Seeing this, Bruce helped his grandmother lie down again quickly and said gently, Grandma, rest well. Roxy and I won’t disturb you anymore!” 

Oh, okay.” 

Margaret replied tiredly before closing her eyes and falling asleep again

Roxy, let’s go!” 


You must take good care of Grandma 24 hours a day. Nothing must go wrong!” 

16:33 Sat 

Chapter 154 

Got it, Mr. Everett.” 

Bruce was still worried and gave a few more instructions to the butler and nurses

After that, he left with Roxanne

On the way back

The driver drove on




Bruce and Roxanne sat in the backseat


Along the way, Roxanne held Bruce’s hand tightly in hers

Bruce’s expression was cold and indifferent. He did not refuse or express any intimacy

He was only marrying Roxanne to fulfill his grandmother’s wish. At the same time, he could also give Roxanne what she wanted

Other than that, he had no other feelings for her

The eighth of next month, we’re finally getting married. This day has finally come!Roxanne could not hide the joy on her face

She stole a glance at Bruce and saw his cold expression. The happiness in her heart dissipated a little instantly

Bruce, aren’t you happy?Roxanne asked carefully

Bruce retracted his hand subconsciously and lit a cigarette. I am!” 

Then why do you look so glum?” 

I’m worried about Grandma’s condition!” 

Medical care is so advanced now. Grandma will definitely recover!” 

I hope so




I’ll take you home now. I’m going to the office then!” 

Roxanne’s face darkened. Bruce, it’s Saturday today. Do you still have to go to work?” 

Oh, I have an appointment with a client. I’m going to discuss business later!” 

Alright then!Roxanne replied reluctantly

She knew that Bruce had a lot of social engagements. Some of them were real, while others were just excuses. He just didn’t want to be alone with her

Bruce, why don’t you ask the driver to stop in front and let me off at the intersection ahead!” 

Bruce was taken off guard and was a little worried as he looked at Roxanne

I’m going to the front to buy something! I’ll take a taxi home later.” 

Alright then

Stop at the intersection ahead.” 

Okay, Mr. Everett.” 

Kody stopped the car at the intersection of the commercial street

This was the busiest commercial street in Greyport. It was also where one could buy all kinds of luxury goods


Goodbye, Bruce!” 


After Bruce left

Roxanne took out her phone and invited a few of her best friends to go shopping

In the past, because the marriage was not reliable, she did not dare to show off in front of her friends

Now that the marriage was finally finalized, it only made sense for her to want to show off in front of her friends

After a while

Four or five welldressed socialites came over

Wow, Roxy, are you really getting married?A longhaired socialite looked envious, and her tone was a little sour

Bruce was such a handsome, rich, and young man. How could he be blind enough to fall for Roxanne

Yes, on the eighth of next month, you have to come over and be my bridesmaid!” 

Of course

it’s my honor!” 

Roxy has finally seen the light. After six years of dating Mr. Everett, they’re finally getting married!A shorthaired socialite praised casually

However, she had the same thoughts as the socialite just now. She was so jealous and thought that she was better than Roxanne in all aspects. How could Mr. Everett be blind enough to fall for Roxanne


Thank you!” 

Roxy, after you get married, remember to introduce Mr. Everett’s friends to us!” 

That’s for sure!” 

Listening to the compliments of her friends, Roxanne’s vanity was greatly satisfied

Outside the restaurant, someone had been secretly peeping inside

Roxanne turned around to take a look unintentionally. The man shrunk his neck and hid behind the wall quickly

Although she had only taken a glance at him, Roxanne still recognized the man as Gavin

After that, Roxanne was no longer in the mood to enjoy afternoon tea with her friends

I have something urgent to attend to. I’ll leave first. Let’s meet another day!” 

It’s rare for us to get together. Why are you leaving so early?” 

I have to tend to many of the details of the wedding in person. I have to go home early!” 

Alright then! We won’t hold the bride up!” 

I’ve already bought everything on the list. Let’s meet another day!” 

After saying that, Roxanne did not dare to stay any longer and left in a hurry

When she left the restaurant

Chapter 154 

Roxanne walked straight into a deserted alley

As expected, Gavin followed


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