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The Return Of His Unrivaled Ex-Wife (Joanna) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 

Davian’s face turned pale from fright. He hurriedly looked around for something that could save Irvin

Fortunately, there were many dead branches and leaves here

Davian picked up a long dry branch and stretched it into the stream

Irvin, quickly grab this branch. I’ll pull you up!” 

Irvin bobbed a few times in the water and swam desperately to the branch. He reached out and grabbed the branch

Meanwhile, Davian was desperately trying to pull him ashore

After much effort, he finally dragged his brother out

The two little guys were frightened and their clothes were wet

Brother, my clothes are wet.” 

Davian took off his clothes first. Take off your clothes and dry them. Otherwise, we’ll catch a cold!” 


The two children took off their clothes.. 

Greyport was a southern city. Although there was no winter, it was close to December and the weather was still very cold

The two little guys shivered from the cold and kept twisting the water on their clothes with their little hands

Let’s hurry back to the mountain path!” 


It was very dangerous by the stream

Although the two children could swim, there were still underground rivers and swamps below in such a rapid stream. If they fell into it, they would definitely not survive

The two little guys climbed up the mountain path one step at a time

Brother, look, there are so many oranges!” 

There were a few orange trees beside the mountain path

There were tons of oranges on the trees

Davian frowned and glanced at it. This kind of wild fruit can’t be eaten, right?” 

Irvin was already starving. He reached out and plucked a few. I can’t care less. Let’s eat some first!” 

As he spoke, drvin peeled an orange and put it into his mouth

He chewed on it a few times and then he spat it out again

Pfft, why is this orange so sour?” 

Don’t eat randomly. it’ll be troublesome if you get a stomachache!” 

Irvin threw away the orange in his hand. His little round face was filled with gloom. Sigh, if I had known that we would get lost, I wouldn’t have come out 

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Chapter 168 

in the first place!” 

Look at us now. We can’t go back even if we want to!” 

Davian, if they find out that we’re missing, will they come looking for us?” 

Davian’s face turned a little serious. Definitely!” 

Irvin rubbed his arms which were covered in goosebumps and muttered, Mommy, I miss you so much. Did you come back to look for us?” 

Let’s go and look over there!” 

Davian, I’m so tired!” 

Irvin, hold on a little longer. When we cross this mountain, we should be able to reach the downtown area

As long as we reach the downtown area, we’ll definitely be able to get a taxi home.” 

The two little guys had no idea that this was a wild bird sanctuary. There would be no one here at all

They were walking in the opposite direction. The further they went, the deeper they would go into the mountains

Meanwhile, at the Haynes’s house

Roxanne was watching the news in bed. As she watched, she saw the news of Davian and Irvin being missing

Aren’t those two Joanna’s children?” 

After Roxanne saw the news, she hurriedly ran downstairs with her phone

Mom, look at the news!” 

Ingrid was pushing her face with the beauty apparatus. She then asked impatiently, What news?” 

Joanna’s two children are missing!” 

Is that so?Ingrid quickly pressed pause on the beauty apparatus in her hand and took the phone to take a look

Sure enough, the big news of Joanna looking for her children was playing on the phone

Ingrid sneered and said happily, Well, this is retribution!” 

Mom, how come the children has disappeared all of a sudden?” 

This is karma! That’s what that bitch gets for taking Bruce from you

Serves her right

It’s best if these two children can never return. Let’s see what else she can use against you!” 

Mom, you didn’t do it, did you?” 

When Ingrid heard this, her eyes widened. I would need the ability to do it even if I wanted to!” 

Oh, as long as it’s not you!” 

Roxanne didn’t say anything else. She then ran upstairs with her phone

With such a big incident happening in the Everett family, she naturally could not ignore it

No matter what, she had to make a call to ask about the situation

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Chapter 168 

Beep, beep, beep

Bruce’s phone rang 

Bruce glanced at the phone and picked it up


Hey, Bruce!” 

What is it?” 

Roxanne paused for a moment and stammered, I just saw the news. I heard that the children are missing?” 

Do you have any leads?Bruce’s voice was gloomy

The last time Irvin went missing was because of Derick

If it was related to the Haynes family this time, he would definitely not be Mr. Nice Guy anymore

Bruce, I’m just concerned about the children. How can I have any leads?” 

If there’s nothing else, I’m hanging up! It’s best if the children’s disappearance has nothing to do with the Haynes family!” 

How can it have anything to do with us” 

Bruce didn’t want to say anything more to Roxanne and just hung up


Bruce had already hung up impatiently

Joanna calmed down and analyzed everything carefully again

They had seen all the places with surveillance cameras at the foot of the mountain. The children had never appeared

From this, it could be deduced that the children must have gone up the mountain

The children must still be on the mountain!” 

As she spoke, Joanna prepared to go up the mountain to look again

Bruce hurriedly pulled her back and advised, Joanna, we’ve already searched the mountain many times. It’s impossible for them to be on the 


No, they’re most likely on the mountain

I’ve checked all the surveillance cameras near the foot of the mountain. They didn’t go down the mountain

Organize people to search the mountain!” 

When Bruce heard this, he also felt that it made sense. “Alright, I’ll go this time too!” 

Soon, Bruce organized a second search and rescue team

Meanwhile, on the mountain

The two little guys walked

In front of him, an animal that looked like a wild dog and a wild wolf jumped out from the mountain path

10:33 Tue, 4 Jul 

Chapter 165 

At this moment, the wild dog bared its fangs and glated fiercely at the two little fellows

Irvin trembled in fear. Davian, what is this?” 

Davian was so frightened that he did not dare to move. Don’t move. It looks like a wild dog or a wolf!” 

Davian, why are there wolves on this mountain?” 

Davian tried his best to calm down. Don’t run around. No matter if it’s a wolf or a dog, don’t run!” 

Irvin gulped and asked nervously, Then what should we do?” 

I’ve read in a book that when you encounter wolves in the wild, you must not panic

We have to raise our hands above our heads! We have to make ourselves look as strong as possible!


The two little guys tried their best to pretend to be calm and raised their hands high to make themselves look as tall as possible

The wild dog was huge

It was not afraid of the threat of the two little fellows at all

Let’s slowly retreat to the highest point!” 


As soon as the two of them moved, the wild dog suddenly rushed over and pounced on Irvin

Ah! Don’t come over!” 

The wild dog seemed to be extremely hungry and pounced fiercely at the little guy

The two little guys turned around and ran away in fear

But how could their short legs outrun the wild dog


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