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The Return Of His Unrivaled Ex-Wife (Joanna) novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

They were finally gone

Joanna fell back on her chair. A palpitation attacked her, and her face was ghostly white

Cora pushed the door open and hurried in. She looked at Joanna’s pale face and asked with concern, Ms. Haynes, are you okay?” 

Joanna massaged her chest for a while and finally let out a long sigh. I’m fine! Get me a cup of 


Yes!Cora answered and went to fetch the coffee at once

Cora had not been with Joanna for long, but she had been very disciplined, and she never asked things she should not know

That was why when Joanna came into the Haynes Group, she put Cora by her side immediately

It was lunchtime, and employees were gathering in the break room

They had just finished lunch and were all on their cell phones, browsing for gossip

Wow, is this Ms. Haynes? She is so open!” 

I heard that Ms. Haynes had a quickie with Mr. Everett in the bathroom on her first day here!” 

Well, what’s the big deal? It’s not her first time! Six years ago, at the engagement party of Mr. Everett and Roxanne Haynes, Mr. Everett got drunk, and good, ole Ms. Haynes crept onto the man’s bed and forced him to do her! Then she threatened to kill herself. That was why Mr. Everett married her!” 

Really? How could any woman be so shameless?Several new interns were dumbfounded by this. shocking news

They were fresh out of college, and they had no clue about such things before. Being young, dumb, and easy to be manipulated, they were all outraged at once

Some of them were even thinking of storming into Joanna’s office and spitting in her face right now

Why do you think she did it so well in CI? She slept her way up! Highlevel superiors, business. partners, and even their clients have all been conquered by her pussy!” 

That woman might look elegant and honorable, but deep down, she is cheaper than a 50cent whore!” 

A few of Ingrid’s closest associates kept saying things like that, spreading rumors all over, trying to ruin Joanna’s reputation for good

What thesuch a bitch! And yet, she hooked up with Mr. Grimm again? Oh, poor Mr. Grimm.The interns who were infatuated with Jaydon felt so sorry for the man

And that’s not all!” 

Exactly, Ms. Haynes isn’t just a slut in her private life. She’s also ruthless. She disowned all her relatives and was extremely vicious! She kicked Mr. Haynes out of the board of directors without any consideration!” 

Mr. Haynes even had a heart attack for this, I’m told! How could she do that to her own father?” 


my God, how can this slutty, awful bitch still sit in her chair?” 

Yeah, how does a scheming bitch like that deserve to be chairwoman of the Haynes Group?” 

Well, you can always quit if you want to.” 

I’d like to, but I have a life to live, right?” 

Chapter 20 

Oh, by the way, have you heard the rumor? The word is that IIRS are making a big move!” 

What move?” 

They said that a lot of employees are going to be laid off!” 

Oh, no! We’re not included, right?” 

Don’t worry. If she dares to fire us, we’ll go on a strike!” 

But she had been so calm about the comments on the Internet. I would have hidden from everyone if I were her.” 

Alright, enough of that. If it gets to Ms. Haynes, we’ll all be in trouble!” 

Of course, Joanna knew about this. She also knew that it was Ingrid’s people who were stirring things up. They were deliberately inciting employees and spreading rumors

However, there was nothing she could do. Not right now

She had to wait for her team to arrive. That was when she got rid of all Ingrid’s staff, whatever the 


Back in the Haynes villa




Mom,called out Roxanne, I’m so mad!” 

She came home, kicked off her high heels, took off her coat, and dropped her purse on the floor. Without even changing her clothes, she threw herself on the couch

The maids who followed behind her were hurriedly cleaning up the mess

Get out,” Roxanne barked at them, you’re annoying me!” 

Sure, sure! Right away!The maids quickly left the sitting room

Roxanne was only a gentle lady in front of outsiders. Only when she was with the housemaids, her true nature was revealed

Why are you back so early?her mother asked, wearing a moisturizing mask. Didn’t you go to see the wedding dress with Bruce? Have you picked out the proper one?” 

Ingrid was surprised to see her daughter back so early

Roxanne gritted her teeth angrily. No!she complained. It’s been ruined by that bitch Joanna again!” 

Ingrid gasped. She had never expected this

She pulled down the mask at once and asked in a hurry, What the hell happened? Hurry up and tell 


Bruce went to sign the beton agreement with that bitch today. I was worried. So, I went over there. to check it out. As soon as I arrived, I saw that bitch hitting on Bruce! Oh, I’m so mad!” 

Ingrid asked even more frantically, And?” 

Roxanne punched the couch angrily before going on, And then I had a fight with Bruce! We were supposed to go to see the wedding dress today, but that bitch Joanna ruined it! She ruined it all!” 

Then with angry tears in her eyes, Roxanne told Ingrid briefly what had happened

She had been waiting for this day for six years

And when Bruce finally proposed to her, everything went back to the beginning

Roxanne had no idea how long she would have to wait for the next chance to come


Ingrid’s face darkened with disappointment. She lowered her voice. Tell Bruce last night?” 

Roxanne looked at her mother in bewilderment. Do what?she asked

me, did you do it with 


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