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The Return Of His Unrivaled Ex-Wife (Joanna) novel Chapter 322

Chapter 322 

Joanna would only reach out to him if it were about seeing their children

It was often said that men could be heartless in relationships.. 

But in truth, when a woman fell out of love, she could be far more ruthless

Joanna arrived at Century Plaza Station at 9.30 am. the next day, well ahead of time

With a few insulated containers in hand, Joanna carried the cakes and dumplings she had personally made

She couldn’t make up for everything she had done wrong, but she wanted to do what she could for her children

At precisely 10 a.m., a chauffeurdriven luxury car pulled up, followed by a nanny car stopping in front of her

When the doors opened, Davian and Irvin hopped out of the car

Shortly after, the nanny emerged, cradling Lilia in her arms

MommyDavian and Irvin called out in their usual manner

Joanna felt a pang in her heart, her eyes welling up with tears. She hurriedly approached her children. Davian, Irvin, Lilia! I’ve missed you so much. Do you miss Mommy?” 


MommyThe three little ones looked a bit weary as they gazed at Joanna

Although the children still showed happiness, an invisible barrier seemed to have formed

After being separated for such a long time, even the strongest bond could slowly dissipate. Especially since the children were only five, their emotions and perceptions were still developing

They could quickly adapt to new environments and new lives

Having spent over half a year with the Everett family, they had already adapted to their new lives

Mommy, why haven’t you come to see us for so long?” Davian furrowed his little brow, his tone laced with a hint of dissatisfaction

Joanna knelt and planted a kiss on Davian’s cheek. Mommy has been very busy lately” 

But Irvin interjected before Joanna could finish her sentence, his voice filled with frustration. Hmph, we knew Mommy would say that!” 

It’s always either Daddy being busy or Mommy being busy. We’ve gotten used to it. Who has time to spend with us anymore?” 

Daddy is busy with the pretty lady, and Mommy is busy with Mr. Grimm. We’re not important to Mominy and Daddy anymore!” 

With a pout, Irvin displayed his discontent

Joanna listened in silence, feeling a sharp pang in her chest

I’m sorry, it’s Mommy’s fault, alright? It’s all Mommy’s fault! Can you forgive Mommy?” 

Mommy, we know you’re busy. So, we won’t blame you. But deep down, there’s still some disappointment.” 


sorry, my sweethearts. Mommy will make sure to spend more time with you in the future.” 

Once Mommy’s career is on track, once Mommy has the means, I promise I’ll bring you back to me.” 

Irvin said with a touch of arrogance, Forget it! Mommy wants to compete with Daddy’s wealth, but she’ll probably never measure up

How can you say such a thing?” 

Well, it’s the truth. We didn’t say anything wrong.” 

If you say that again, be careful. I might give you a timeout,Davian warned, protective of Mommy. He didn’t like how Irvin was being disrespectful

Joanna immediately intervened, stopping Davian in his tracks. Davian, you’re the big brother. It would be best if you never treated your siblings that way. You need to protect them, understand?” 

understand, Mommy!” 

Lilia stretched out her tiny hands and sweetly said, Mommy, hug!” 

Joanna bent down and embraced Lilia in her arms

Chapter 322 

After not seeing each other for nearly a month, Davian and Irvin had noticeably grown taller, and Lilia had put on a few pounds

Mommy has some free time today. How about going to the amusement park?” 

Mommy, we don’t want to go.” 

Joanna was taken aback. Why not? Don’t you both love going to the amusement park?” 

We have horseback riding lessons in the afternoon, which is much more fun than going to the amusement park.” 

Yeah, and we have art and science classes in the evening! Those are way more interesting!Irvin added, his eyes shining with 


Joanna felt a twinge of sadness upon hearing their response

She had missed too many important moments of her children’s growth even though they were no longer interested in what Mommy had planned for them

Even without the presence of parents, Bruce’s financial resources would ensure that the children received the best life and education

So many people were around to play with the children that their dependence on their parents naturally diminished

Miss Haynes, it’s been an hour already. It’s time to take the children back.” 

So soon?” 

Yes. The children have their music lessons coming up. Mr. Everett requested that we bring them back early.” 

I see. Alright then!” 

Sweethearts, do you feel overwhelmed or exhausted with all these lessons?Joanna voiced her concern, fearing that Bruce’s expectations put too much pressure on the children

Not at all, Mommy! These classes are actually really enjoyable.” 

Joanna smiled warmly at their response

Her worries seemed unnecessary now

Knowing Bruce’s character, she was confident that he would provide the children with the best teachers available. These teachers were industry experts who knew how to make learning engaging and exciting, incorporating games and interactive activities into their lessons

If the children found the classes interesting and fun, they wouldn’t resist or feel drained by them

Here are some cakes and dumplings that Mommy made just for you. Take them home and enjoy!” 

Thank you, Mommy!” 

The nanny quickly stepped in, taking the food from Joanna’s hands. Mr. Everett has instructed the children to follow a specific dietary plan.” 

Joanna paused briefly, feeling too weary to say much

Goodbye, Mommy!” 

Goodbye, my sweethearts!Joanna embraced each child tightly and planted a gentle kiss on their cheeks

Soon after, the children hopped in the car

As Joanna watched the car zoom away, a wave of melancholy washed over her, causing her to stand there for a while, lost in 

her emotions

It was evident that the three children had grown increasingly distant from her. If things continued down this path, it wouldn’t be long before they completely lost their reliance on her

With these thoughts weighing heavily on her, Joanna felt an intense pang in her heart

Just give it a little more time, sweethearts. Mommy will bring you back to her side. No matter what happens, Mommy will never give up on fighting for your custody!” 

Finally home

Joanna resumed packing her belongings, preparing for her flight to Gaprington the next day

It had been a long time since she spent quality time with Jaydon. This time, she decided to stay there for at least a week

Miranda noticed her packing and hurriedly approached to offer assistance. Joann, do you need help with these items?” 

Miranda, don’t worry. I can handle it myself!” 

Chapter 322 

Alright then!Miranda replied, stationing herself at the doorway, observing Joanna as she organized her belongings

Joanna finished packing her belongings after ten minutes later. She planned to turn in early tonight with a flight scheduled for 8 a.m. the following day

Glancing back, she noticed Miranda still standing at the doorway, wearing a hesitant expression

Miranda, is something on your mind?Joanna asked with genuine concern

Miranda let out a nervous clnuckle. Oh, no, nothing” 

Joanna found it even more peculiar. Miranda, is something troubling you

If there’s any difficulty or trouble at home, please tell me. I’ll do whatever I can to help. You know I’m here for you.” 

*Tmn fine. I just wanted to have a hearttoheart talk with you.” 

Joanna paused, casting a skeptical gaze at Miranda


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