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The Return Of His Unrivaled Ex-Wife (Joanna) novel Chapter 97

Chapter 97 

Before Bruce finished talking, Joanna took out a stun baton from her handbag and fiercely poked it toward him

Bruce reacted quickly. Before the stun baton could touch him, he suddenly grabbed Joanna’s hand and knocked it away

Ah!Joanna was shocked. The stun baton fell to the ground

Bruce’s expression suddenly changed. The guilt he had just felt toward Joanna instantly turned into anger

Joanna, how dare you try to give me a sneak attack again,Bruce said

Joanna’s stun baton fell to the ground. She panicked even more and involuntarily retreated

Bruce was furious. He approached with a sinister expression, taking two steps closer to Joanna

Joanna’s heart was pounding with fear. She quickly ducked and slipped under Bruce’s arm before he could react

Then, she gathered all her strength and ran toward the exit of the car park

She really dared not be alone with Bruce

She was even more afraid of the pain of not being able to resist but being forced to bear it

Joanna, stop right there!Bruce said

Joanna said, Ah, don’t come over… 

Joanna panicked like a frightened prey, desperately trying to escape

Bruce was even more furious and chased after her

Unfortunately, Joanna was so weak that she could not outrun Bruce

Just as she ran for about ten steps, she tripped over a barricade on the ground and fell heavily to the ground

The ground was covered in lime. When she hit it, it was so painful that her brain buzzed and she almost fainted

Joanna!Bruce exclaimed in shock and hurried over to check on her

Joanna’s arm was scratched. She could not get up after falling to the ground

Bruce helped her up. His heart ached and he was worried. However, he scolded harshly, Serves you right! You brought this on yourself!” 

Joanna opened her eyes slightly and exhaled weakly. She then closed her eyes and passed out

Joanna, Joanna, wake up, Bruce said. What’s wrong with you?” 

Joanna had already lost consciousness. Her body was very soft, as if she had no bones

Bruce panicked. He quickly stretched out his thumb and pressed the area under her nose

This was one of the most sensitive areas of the body to pain. When people were unconscious, as long as this area was pressed hard, they would wake up due to the pain

Unfortunately, Bruce pinched it hard for nearly a minute, but Joanna did not react at all

Clearly, she had fallen into a deep state of unconsciousness

Chapter 97 

Bruce was completely flustered. He hurriedly carried her horizontally

He drove her to the hospital

Ten minutes later, Bruce sent Joanna to the hospital. He drove and ran several red lights along the way to get Joanna to the hospital as quickly as possible

Doctor, someone fainted,” Bruce said. Please come quickly!Bruce rushed into the hospital with Joanna in his arms. His face was filled with panic

When two nurses heard the shout, they hurriedly went to check

Another nurse quickly pushed a wheeled stretcher over

After Bruce placed Joanna on the wheeled stretcher, the nurse hurriedly pushed the wheeled stretcher toward the emergency room

Bruce worriedly followed and ran as the wheeled stretcher was pushed. Joanna, you’ll be fine,” he said. You’ll definitely wake


This is the emergency room, the nurse said. Please wait outside.” 

Okay, please make sure to treat the patient well!Bruce said

Don’t worry!the nurse said

Bruce took a deep breath. He had no choice but to wait outside the emergency room

Sir, please come here and pay the registration fee” 

Due to the critical situation, Bruce did not go to his own hospital. Instead, he went to the nearest hospital nearby

Bruce said. Oh. Okay

How much is the registration fee?” 

The person behind the counter did not even look up. She said in a cold tone, 2 dollars for registration, 20 dollars for emergency treatment, and please prepay 200 dollars for medical expenses” 

This was a private hospital, and the fees were not standardized

However, the situation was critical. Bruce had no choice but to send Joanna here first, fearing any delay in treatment

Bruce reached into his pocket and realized that he did not bring any money. His phone was also left in the car

He did not usually carry money when he went out. He had assistants to take care of everything in his daily life

Oh, I forgot my wallet!Bruce said

The cashier pursed her lips and said, How can you come to the hospital without your wallet

Without prepaying the medical expenses, we cannot process the admission procedures. Please go back and bring the money first.” 

Upon hearing this, Bruce became extremely angry

Then, he threw the Lamborghini car key into the counter

Let’s first handle the admission procedure for the patient,Bruce said. I will have my assistant bring the medical fees later.” 

Only then did the cashier look up and see a handsome and distinguished face through the window


Chapter 97 

Immediately, the cashier was stunned. The cashier next to her muttered softly, Oh my god, is this guy Mr. Everett?” 

I think so! Oh my god, why did Mr. Everett come to our hospital?” 

Half an hour later, the door of the emergency room was opened

The doctor and nurse walked out of the emergency room

Bruce hurriedly approached the doctor. Doc, how’s the patient?he asked

The doctor did not even raise his head. The patient’s injuries aren’t that serious,” the doctor said. They’ve already been. treated. She’ll recover after resting for a few days

You have to be more careful when it comes to making love in future. Young people should not be reckless.” 

When Bruce heard this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face

Also, the patient has severe hypoglycemia,the doctor continued. On top of that, she’s malnourished and she has anemia. She needs proper treatment and care

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome in the future!” 

When Bruce heard this, he repeated in disbelief. Hypoglycemia?he said. Malnourished?” 

The doctor replied nonchalantly, Yes” 

Alright,Bruce said. Got it.” 

Um, does the patient have depression?the doctor asked

Bruce said, Depression!” 

Impossible!Bruce replied involuntarily. There’s no way she has depression” 

How could Joanna, with her strong and outspoken personality, possibly have depression? Bruce thought


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