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The Runaway Breeder novel Chapter 8

“I don’t get to be a mother my pups deserve. I don’t get to see their first steps or first words. Their first day of school will be with their adoptive family that rip them from my arms to raise them. I get nothing and all you can do is help me get this place ready for me to be raped in and tell me to get used to my job.” I can feel anger radiating off my friend but I allow the power in my blood to radiate off of me in waves to cover her, watching her cower before me. I know Abby envies my bloodline having Alpha and Beta blood. She knew full well her heritage was that of a pup from a Breeder with an unknown father and hated her blood line even if the wolves who raised her treated her like a princess. I guess she likes knowing my so called "perfect life" she always made comments about came to an end now that I am a Breeder and would be at her beck and call with her position being the Beta Female. I never noticed how much of a snake Abby is until today and I start questioning her real motives of being my friend; questioning everything she has ever said or done while being a part of my life.

“Geez Laina, tell me how you really feel?” Is her sarcastic remark her eyes glaring at me with hatred simmering in waves towards my direction causing a low warning growl to exit my lips. She may be a Beta Female and I a Breeder but she knows at any given moment I could have her head with my strength and blood line being superior to her.

“Stay out of my life from now on.” Is my reply as I slam open the car door, get out, and slam it shut, hearing the metal grind together and knowing that the door will never open again. I guess this bitch will need a new car. I make my way into the house as the squeal of tires fill the yard knowing that Abby is running away both from fear and humiliation. She could never handle having someone yell at her the way I just did and was probably on her way to complain to her mate.

“Miss Laina?” It is one of the guards who call out to me while I try to calm the anger and indignation swelling inside me. I just smile meekly at his worry filled gaze hoping that he doesn't see through my thoughts.

“Don’t worry about it.” I whisper and he nods unconvinced before handing me a handkerchief.

“My mother was a breeder. I knew that the people who raised me weren’t my real parents, it just didn’t feel right. One day while we were school shopping a woman came up to me and said my name. Everything about her seemed so familiar and the next thing I knew I was hugging her and begging her not to leave me. My adoptive parents finally told me who she was that night and after that I met my siblings. My mother and I still talk to this day, not the people that raised me – even though I still talk to them – but the woman who was force to give me up. I know what your children will go through. Just remember that if I can find a way to get you out before it’s too late, I will.” My eyes widen at his confession and I hug the man. Part of me instantly feels safe with this guard and I can’t help but show weakness in front of him, something I hate showing but have been doing . His past is similar to Abby but where she is showing her true colours as a royal spoiled bitch now even when her adoptive parents did their best to give her everything she wanted, this guard shows sincerity and friendship. The wolves who raised him did good in raising this wolf before me into a well mannered man.

“I’m Alex by the way.” He laughs out, patting my back in a reassuring way.

“Well Alex, I am recruiting you for painting the rooms with me.” We laugh as I release Alex from my hug, motioning for the warrior to follow me inside where cans of paint waited to be used up. For the rest of the day we spent the hours painting each room. Alex is a great help with him being so tall and able to reach the top part of the ceiling. It felt nice doing something mundane and not being looked at like a piece of meat that the other guards want to take a bite out of.

The next day Alex arrives early just in time for breakfast that the two of us enjoy together. I inform him that the furniture will arrive today and ask if he knows any one he trusts that will be willing to help bring it into the cottage and move it around. I soon meet his half-brother Matthew that is a dark skinned wolf with a carefree smile. He too is a Warrior and I learn that the two of them have been secretly helping Breeders escape when the chance is giving to them making hope flash briefly in my heart when they agree to help me out when a chance is given. Mathew brought along his mate Milly with him to help with a woman’s touch and neither of them brought up the fact I am the newest Breeder. They treat me with respect and it feels nice being treated as an equal and not like a slave used to increase the population. Of course once all the furniture is moved into place and built and walls painted, Alex and Mathew escape into the home gym in my garage for a good workout leaving me and Milly to roll out eyes at them and spend the evening with wine and snacks. The only thing that surprised the two wolves is the admission of me being six-teen, apparently the youngest she-wolf to be chose as a Breeder.

“You know, it’s been fun hanging out with you.” Alex says, us sitting on the back porch with hot cocoa in our hands. Mathew and Milly had left about three hours ago leaving the cottage to feel slightly empty without their presence and laughter.

“It’s been fun hanging with you too.” I laugh out, a genuine smile on my face. Part of me envied Alex’s mate who ever she or he may be as Alex is an outstanding wolf. Being mateless, Alex always talks about his hope of finding his mate and spending the rest of their lives together. He will make some wolf happy one day and I hope that day comes soon for him.

“Well I should let you go rest. The Alpha comes to check on you tomorrow.” He kisses the top of my head gently and heads inside. I can hear the sink running as he cleans his mug and calls out his good bye; then he is gone for the night. Sighing, I head inside and start getting ready for bed, taking a shower and making sure everything is ready for tomorrow. Whether I like it or not the Alpha is going to take my virginity tomorrow and I will fully become a Breeder. Four days after tomorrow my job will begin and the first Warrior that will be my partner will show up and do his job in getting me pregnant. Dread fills me as I try my best to fall asleep, but if Abby was correct the other day, Max will not touch me.


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