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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 254

After a day's work, Fynn Jaymond returned home. As soon as he pushed the door open, he saw a man sitting on the couch and he was talking happily with his wife. His handsome face immediately darkened.


He coughed on purpose, trying to attract their attention, but to no avail. He didn't know whether they didn't hear him or they had deliberately ignored him. No one turned around and they chatted happily topic after topic.


He spoke in a deep voice. Tiffany Simons turned around and she ran to him mischievously, "Honey, you're back. Come on, let me introduce you to each other. This is my husband Fynn, and this is my good friend Langston, whom I met in Paris a few years

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What kind of friend was he? What kind of name was Langston? Why did his name make him want to punch him?



They shook hands and the shining earrings on Langston's left ear caught his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows. When did Tiffany become friends with such a ruffian?

"Excuse us for a moment, I would like to talk to my wife privately."

Fynn pulled Tiffany into their room. As soon as he closed the door, he reproached her unhappily, "Why did you bring that man back to our house? Look at the way he is dressed. It's ugly."

"Honey, you're so outdated. It's called fashion, not ugly. You just don't know how to appreciate it."

"Oh, I don't know how to appreciate it? Why don't you go to the streets and ask some random stranger whether he looks like a gangster?"

"Don't call him a gangster. Even if he's a gangster, so what? Our country values social equality. We should treat our compatriots equally. Wasn't your father also a gangster? Has anyone ever looked down on him?"

Fynn rubbed his chest, "Well fine, I will drop this topic. When are you going to kick him out of the house?"

"What do you mean? He purposely flew back to visit me. I intend to let him stay for a few more days!"

"That won't do!"

Fynn put his hands on his waist, "I'm not going to stay if he stays! It's up to you!"

Tiffany curled her lips, "I am loyal to my friends. If you want to leave, please feel free to leave. I am not going to kick my friend out of the house."


Fynn was wordless with rage. Tiffany went out of the bedroom. Soon, the sound of them chatting happily came from outside the bedroom, which made a fresh swell of rage rise in the man who had been ignored in the bedroom.

When they were having dinner in the evening, Tiffany kept on scooping food for Langston, urging him gently, "Langston, you've got to eat more. You won't be able to find this kind of local food when you go back."

Langston giggled, "Thank you, my dear..."

Irritation pricked at Fynn. If it weren't for the fact that he had a good reputation to keep, the table would have been overturned by him. Those two were already flirting in front of him, he couldn't imagine what they were like when he was away.

"Honey, why are you not eating? Why are you staring at us? Is there something on our faces?"

Tiffany wiped her face and raised Langston's chin. "Langston, let me see your face. Hey, there's nothing."

He had a miserable time during dinner. After dinner, he left the house. Soon, he brought their daughter back from his father's house. He hoped that Tiffany would shift her attention to their daughter. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, Langston rushed towards him and took Boo Boo from his arms. "Wow, Boo Boo, look at you! You've grown so much since I last saw you. Come here, let me kiss you. Oh my, you smell so good!"

Fynn was a little stunned. He wanted to reach over and grab his daughter back, but when he saw his wife glaring at him, he withdrew his hand unwillingly.

"Tiffany, why doesn't this child look like you at all?" "Who says so? If she doesn't look like me, then who does she look like? You?"

"Hey, let me look at her again. Hmm, she really looks a little like me. Look at this nose and this lip, they are as beautiful as mine. And her eyes, how attractive!"]

Fynn really couldn't bear it anymore. How dare Langston said that his daughter did not look like him. He would be a coward if he continued enduring it.

He said in an unfriendly tone, "Mr. Langston, how could my daughter look like you? Your words are making me feel a little uncomfortable, do you know that?"

Langston smiled and waved it off. "Go ahead and ask your wife. When we were together, she often said that she hoped her child would look like me in the future. I just wanted to make her happy."

Tiffany reached over and took her daughter into her arms, "Langston, shall we bring Boo Boo out for a stroll?"


The two of them walked out of the living room side by side. Fynn remained rooted in the same place and anger thrummed through his veins. He was the man of the house and the father of the child. Why did he feel like an outsider in his own house?

He sat down on the couch and took out his phone to call Sebastian. When the call was connected, he gnashed his teeth and said, "Sebastian, can you do something about Tiffany?"

"What happened to Tiffany?" "I don't know where the heck she found this friend who openly flirts with her in front of my face. And now she is taking a walk with the man with our daughter in his arms. The man even said that my daughter looks like him. Don't you think that it's a little ridiculous?"

Sebastian pulled the phone slightly away from his ear and said calmly, "I understand how you feel, Fynn. But this is your family's affairs, so I'd better mind my own business. I'm sure you can handle it on your own. Goodbye."

"Hello? Hello? Don't hang up! Hello?"

With a bang, Fynn threw his phone on the coffee table. What kind of family were they? They are so ungrateful!

It was not until ten o'clock at night that Tiffany and Langston made their way home with Boo Boo. After passing her daughter off to the nanny to put her to bed, she went into Langston's room and chatted for another two hours before finally calling it a night. She then returned to her room.

When she entered the door, she felt a strong murderous feeling. Fynn was sitting on the bed as his eyes flashed with anger, "Please explain to me, what's the relationship between you and Langston?"

"Didn't I tell you before that we are just friends?"

"What kind of friend was he that made you ignore your husband for the entire night? He also said that you two were together before, is it true?"

"Yes, we lived together in Paris for more than half a year."

"You guys lived together?" Fynn's fury sprang to life, and he almost fainted out of anger...

"Oh, honey, you misunderstood me. We were just living in the same house, we weren't sleeping together."

Fynn jumped out of the bed and Tiffany pulled him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to kick him out of the house. Now!"

"I dare you!"

Tiffany blocked the door and said madly, "I can't allow you to treat my friend like this."

"Get out of my way if you don't want to piss me off."

"If you want me to get out of the way, then you would have to go over my dead body."



Chapter 254 1


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