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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 413

Early the next morning. Jolly woke up still feeling groggy, and when she opened her room door, she saw a shadow frying bacon in the kitchen. She yawned. “Chris, please make my omelet fully cooked. I’ve had an upset stomach for the past two days. I don’t even know what I did.”

As she said that, she sat down in front of the kitchen bar counter and took a sip of the squeezed juice. “This juice is tasty.”

“Thanks.” It was a male voice. In the next second, a bowl of mixed salad and a plate of bacon omelet were placed in front of her. Jolly thought she was hallucinating, so she looked up and suddenly saw Justin’s face. “What in the-”

She screamed, and if it wasn’t for Justin’s quick-wit, the cup would have almost shattered on the floor. “What’s wrong?”

Rachel heard the screams and ran out of the bedroom. As soon as she came out, she saw him in the kitchen. On the other side, Jolly stood by the bar with her hair disheveled like a ghost, and she looked so surprised that her eyes were about to fall out of the sockets.

When she saw Rachel coming out, Jolly confirmed that she was not dreaming. “Why is he here?”

“Well, that’s a long story.”

“Then, why is he wearing your pajamas?!” Rachel glanced at Justin and tried her best not to laugh. She had already given him her largest set of pajamas last night, but it still looked a little stretched on him.

At the moment, she coughed dryly. “This… is also a long story.”

Ten minutes later, Jolly came out of the bathroom after washing up. At that point, she was more sober and calm. ‘Tell me. What’s going on here?”

Now that she was alone, she was facing Justin on the opposite side and acted like a tribunal. “Tell me honestly and I’ll go easy on you. How did you end up in my house?”

“He didn’t come by himself; I brought him here.”

“I didn’t ask you.” Jolly turned her head and glared at Rachel. “Just sit on the sofa and turn your head away. It’s none of your business here.”

Rachel didn’t know what to do, so she casted an apologetic look at Justin before she sat down with her head turned away. Her ears still pricked up, listening to Jolly’s questioning. He explained, “I don’t have a place to live for the time being, so Rachel took me in for a while.”

“Bullsh*t! Your summer villa is bigger than the Olympic venues. It’s pure bullsh*t that you don’t have a place to live.” “Someone else took over the place.”

“You mean Ginny Tuscan?” Jolly frowned. “Doesn’t she own only half of the property?” “Half ownership doesn’t mean that the land is divided into two where each person is living on their own. After all, it is not suitable for two opposite genders to live together for a long time.”

“However, isn’t she your fiancée?” “Have you ever seen an engaged couple who were engaged at the age of ten, but have not married yet at forty, and one of us even got married before?”

“Huh…” She nodded. “Wait, no!”

All of a sudden, she became serious. “Though what you said did make sense, you don’t have to stay in my house! Can’t you live in a hotel? What about the many properties that the Burton Family possesses? You can always stay in any one of them!”

Justin looked embarrassed. Rachel couldn’t take it any longer. “His ID card and passport are with Ginny. He can’t live or go anywhere. He’s finally met his nemesis.” Jolly’s eyes widened. ‘Now, what exactly is the situation here?”

Rachel glanced at him. ‘Just like you and Ginny, Jolly owns half of this property too. So if you want to live here, we have to tell her what happened.”


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