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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 417

“Listen to me and take Chris away. Leave Riverdale for a while using vacation as the excuse. As long as you guys are gone, I’ll have a way to bring Justin away, Ginny said, sounding dominant as usual.

“No, Julian turned her down firmly and coldly. “Rachel will be suspicious.” ‘Julian, you’re still worrying so much at a time. like this? Be careful, you might end up with nothing in the end.”

“I have my plans, and you just need to cooperate with me. Stabilize the overseas market of Burton Group and weaken the voices against me in the company. That will be enough.”

After hanging up, Julian checked the chat box on his phone screen where the chat records of his conversation with Rachel were left off in the afternoon. Jolly dragged me to go shopping with her. I’m afraid I can’t have dinner with you tonight, she texted.

‘That’s alright. I have a meeting as well, and I was about to tell you.” He stared at the neatly arranged winter clothes which Rachel instructed the housekeeper to prepare. Most of them were the styles which he usually wore, and he ran his palm over the row of clothes. Suddenly, he stopped at a gray casual shirt, he had never worn a color like that.

Swoosh! The shirt fell from the hanger before the hanger bounced back and slammed into the closet door loudly with a bang. Without the hanger. holding it up, all of the weight of the shirt was now hanging on Julian’s hand as he held it and felt the weight.

All of a sudden, he released his hand and tossed the shirt on the floor before stepping over it. The next day at Burton Group, the receptionist who recognized Rachel was surprised to see her here and asked, “Why are you here, President Hudson?”

Showing the brown paper bag she had in her hand, she explained, “I happened to pass by and came to deliver breakfast for your boss. Being the role model worker that he is, he must have been here a long time ago, haven’t he?” “Don’t you know that President Peters is away on a business trip?”

“Business trip?” Rachel repeated, startled. “When did he leave?” “Just this morning, and he has probably already boarded the plane now. It was an ad-hoc trip. Didn’t he tell you about it?”

Rachel came to her senses and suddenly recalled receiving a text before leaving the house this morning, but she didn’t check it because she was in a rush to leave. When she opened the text in her phone now, she saw that it was really a text from Julian. I have an ad hoc meeting in Beigeburg and will be back in a couple of days’ time. I can’t have dinner with you again tonight.”

“He told me, but I didn’t see his text,” she answered the receptionist in resignation. “Have you had breakfast yet?” Seeing the bread which the young lady had secretly stolen a bite from was now hidden behind her back, Rachel placed the coffee and sandwich in front of her. “If you don’t mind, you can have this.”

“Thank you, President Hudson.”

“You’re welcome.” As Rachel turned around, she left Burton Group with a complicated feeling in her heart. Initially, she wanted to tell Julian about what happened between Justin and Ginny. After all, they were together and there were some things which they should be honest with each other. However, she wasn’t expecting him to be gone, so she could only tell him after his return.

Leaving Burton Group, she drove into traffic and suddenly received a call from Janice. This was the first time in the past few months. that she received a call from her on her private phone. Did something happen?


“Where are you now?”

“I’m on my way to the office. What’s up?”

“Do you know that Hans has a younger sister?” She subconsciously tightened her grip on the steering wheel after being startled. Even after so long, the second she heard Hans’ name, her heart would still wrench tightly and painfully, making it hard for her to breathe..


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