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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 429

“It’s unnecessary. The doctors and caretakers who took care of her are all excellent and she’s recovering well too. She just had her cast removed.” “That’s good. Let me know at any time if you need anything. I’ll be able to return home after I’m done with my work within these two days. By then, I’ll accompany you to the hospital.”

“Wonderful.” Rachel suddenly thought of something. Julian, I remember you once told me that there’s a kind of psychological disease that says it’s a sickness if someone loves and relies on the person whom they originally resented.”

“Stockholm Syndrome. It is generally a mental illness in which victims undergo psychological reversal under enormous emotional stress in order to adapt to the environment. Patients diagnosed with this illness will become dependent on the perpetrator. It is an illness that allows the victim to rationalize the facts of the perpetrator to achieve psychological balance.”

“Yes, that’s it!” Rachel straightened her body. ‘Do you know any psychiatrists?” I think Jessica has this problem now. For several days in a row, she was in a lifeless state.

Placing the cup of coffee on the desk, Jolly explained, “I just bought it. For your refreshments.” “Thanks. Rachel yawned and the dark circle under her eyes was prominent. “Stayed up late again?”

“No.” “Then, it means you’re not sleeping well. Were you perhaps sleeping in the hospital again?” Jolly pulled out the chair and sat down. “You can’t go on like this. When Jessica has recovered and returned to her country, your body will be exhausted again. It’s not worth it!”

“I wasn’t sleeping in the hospital. Jess doesn’t really want to see me, so I’m a little worried.” “What’s there for you to be worried about? She’s 17 years old! Not 7, but 17. You had arranged 3 caretakers to take care of her 24 hours a day. Only a royal princess would be treated to this extent. What else does she want?”

“She’s blaming me.” Suddenly, Rachel blamed herself. Tell me: am I being too selfish? She does have her own freedom to befriend whoever she wants. Was I wrong for stopping. her from meeting Justin?”

“I think you’ve been brainwashed by her. Sher doesn’t need to go back to study. She can just be a direct sales promoter. Try asking yourself. Are you not letting her meet Justin for your own sake? No! It’s for her sake!”

The more Jolly talked about it, the angrier she became. ’17 years old. It’s not adulthood, but it’s certainly not childhood. She’s at that age where it’s the easiest for her to judge her feelings wrongly. She’s also at that age where she can easily become dependent on a person and think that it is love. Didn’t I have experienced it before? Will I turn out that way if someone stopped me at that time?”

At that time, Jolly also plunged into Ryan’s embrace with enthusiasm and disregarded everything. If she had not woken up in time later, she would not have stumbled upon the happiness she felt now. Rachel was a little more awake. “Jolly, Jess thinks I stopped her from meeting Justin because I’m jealous of her.”

“This ingrate. How can a good person like Hans have such a sister? Did you find her at psychiatrist and look at her problem?” Upon hearing that, Rachel shook her head.

It took them a lot of effort and time to finally find a psychiatrist. However, the psychiatrist was chased out by Jessica with her crutches before even stepping into the ward. And because of this, Jessica ignored Rachel for a few days. Furthermore, she did not even let Rachel go to the hospital.

“I admit that I ain’t no saint. Supporting her forehead, Rachel felt a little uncomfortable. “Although Justin and I are divorced and not together, it’s still difficult for me to bless him with other women even if we’re unlikely to get back together in the future. Especially when that woman is Jess. I can’t accept it!”

“Stop with the trouble. Whether it’s acceptable to you or not, you may need to check whether it’s merely Jessica’s wishful thinking. If there’s nothing wrong with Justin’s mind, do you think he’ll be with a minor? Furthermore, that minor is Hans’ sister. I bet there’s no way these two will end up together.”

“It’s hard to predict the events happening in the world.” “Are you serious? You don’t even believe this. now? Jessica is a minor! Is Justin still humanet if he gets together with her?”


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