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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 435

A server came and did a quick wipe on the table, and by the time they were done, Julian had visibly calmed down. “Rae, did someone tell you something? Or, was there some hearsay?”

“No one said anything. But she’s your mother, anyhow. No matter what she has done, leaving her overseas just like that is not a good idea. People will criticize you for it in the future.”

Her words relieved Julian. “Rae, after my identity has been publicized, my mother’s position in Riverdale will be made awkward. It’s also in her will to leave for abroad. That’s all there is to it.”


“Really.” Rachel nodded with acknowledgment and no longer pressed on the topic. However, what Julian didn’t notice was her dimming gaze when she lowered her head. The exquisite food in front of her also instantly turned bland. People could change; anything in this world would. After dinner, Julian sent Rachel back to the Carter Residence.

“This is it.” “Things should be over soon, but no rush because I think it’s good that you stay with the Carter Family. At least you have someone watching your back. Go on now.”

“Yeah, you too. Drive safe.” After entering the mansion, Rachel went straight into her room and to her balcony. Despite having drunk some wine, she was absolutely clear-headed and the cold wind blowing on her took away some of the alcohol. With that, she dialed a number. “Have your found Sue Parham?”

Silence began filling the air as Rachel listened to the person on the other end of the line. Meanwhile, at Riverdale Airport, a plane flew across the sky, shrieking as it left. The flight. schedules were being broadcasted inside the airport. Justin, with a face mask over his mouth and nose, lowered his baseball cap after taking his boarding pass.

“Let’s go.” Ginny’s voice came from beside him. “Riverdale is seriously too small. I can’t get used to living here. It’ll be a fresh start after we get there. I’m sure you’ll like it.” He took a gander at Ginny. “There was this one thing I could never quite figure out while I was in the detention center.”

“What was it?” “When did Julian start contacting you, and when did you two begin collaborating to set me up?” “Have you figured it out now?”

Before Justin could answer, a figure came to them before it was followed by a familiar voice. “Ready to go?” “President Peters. Ginny smiled upon seeing who it was. “Thanks for seeing us off personally. You shouldn’t have.”

Julian wore a dark gray cashmere coat with both hands habitually shoved in his pockets. Right then, some of the gentleness and kindness he had while he was a doctor was replaced with utter aloofness. “Well, who knows when will be the next time we see each other after this? So, why not?”

“Yeah, right. You just don’t feel at ease unless you watch me board the plane.” Julian didn’t justify himself and Justin continued, “I’ve always wondered who called the police that morning.”

“The victim, of course. Who else?” “Jessica? But she was still out cold when the police arrived.”

Justin remembered it like it had just happened yesterday. Jessica was still lying in bed when the police barged into the hotel room where the evidence lay bare, leaving no room for doubt. Julian narrowed his eyes. “You were conscious at the time?”

“I was conscious that whole night.”

“Impossible.” The next second, a group of plain-clothed police surrounded the three of them, and one of them announced, ‘Hello, Mr. Julian Peters. We’re from the Riverdale Investigation Bureau. Someone has reported you for incrimination and defamation. Please come with us.”

Instantly, Julian looked toward his cousin grimly. “There must be a mistake.” Ginny fretted. “No mistake. Miss Ginny Tuscan, is it? I’m sorry, but you’ll have to come with us as well.”


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