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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 445

“Here’s the red wine you asked for,” the air stewardess announced pleasantly as she arrived between Rachel and Justin’s respective rows with two glasses of red wine in hand.

Rachel was a little taken aback by this, she had only asked for one, but just as she was about to say something, Justin reached past her and said to the air stewardess, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Call me if you need anything else,” the air stewardess replied with a smile. When she was out of earshot, Justin gave Rachel an amused look and pointed out, “I’m guessing the airline is used to situations like these.”

“Huh?” Rachel looked confused. “Most parents have a hard time relaxing after getting their kids to sleep during a long-haul. flight, so they’ll usually ask for a glass of wine to help them unwind,” he explained patiently.

This made sense, seeing how the air stewardess had handed them the wine in a manner that suggested she had done this for a better part of her career. It was only then that Rachel snapped out of her daze, and she smiled as she acknowledged his point. “I guess you’re right.”

The cabin was silent save for the whirring of the plane engines, and the lights had been dimmed as well. Everyone else on the flight seemed to have fallen asleep, leaving Justin and Rachel as the only ones awake. They did not want to wake everyone with their chatter, so Justin raised his glass and muttered quietly, “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” Rachel whispered. They each turned to look at the child next to them in their individual seats and slowly sipped their wine. When they had finished the last drop of wine, warm drowsiness washed over them. Just like that, they slept through the night.

After a whole day and night of flying, they finally touched down in Geneva, Switzerland. They decided that they would stay here for a night so that they could go over the details of the proposal before they had to leave for Zermatt, which was their final destination.

They had only just arrived in the hotel lobby when a tall figure approached them with his arms spread wide open, greeting them with at loud, “Surprise, my dear friends!”

Hernandez rushed up to pull Rachel into a hug. but Justin effectively blocked his advances. Seeing this, he turned to hug Jolly instead, but Leroy had already anticipated this and quickly pulled her behind him.

In the midst of this awkwardness, Hernandez decided to lift Samuel off the ground to twirl instead. “Merry Christmas, Samuel!” “Hernandez, you’re squishing me!” Samuel cried out in protest, kicking his little legs. “Let me go!”

“Aw, why aren’t you guys excited to see me?” Hernandez complained, looking wounded. “I haven’t seen you guys in ages, and this is the response I get?’

Jolly yawned, clearly feeling the effects of jet lag as she said, “It’s not much of a surprise when we already know you’d be here. Besides, you’ve been spamming us in the group chat for the last two days. Dude, don’t you ever sleep?”

Two days ago, she had created a ‘Team Proposal group chat and accidentally invited. Hernandez. It had been an honest mistake, but upon seeing that a proposal was in the works, he got excited and demanded to be in on it as well. To prove that he was dedicated to the operation, he even arrived in Geneva half a day earlier than the rest of them, though, in all fairness, he lived close to the city.

Presently, having heard Jolly’s remark, he feigned exaggerated sadness and sighed as he said, “Fine, I’ll hug myself.”

Rachel laughed at this. “Okay, Hernandez, stop being so dramatic. We’re all happy to see you, and we’re glad you’re part of the plan too. You’re like our mascot.”

“You’re a girl after my own heart, Chris,” he said, beaming. “Come on, I’ve already booked us a suite so we can all bunk in together. We should check in at reception.”


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