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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 448

Bursts of powdery snow filled the air as the battle raged on. During their “escape’, Justin and Rachel carried a child each. They darted to hide behind a great tree that was far away from the “danger zone” caused by the ‘gunfire” of others.

Victor had not planned to join the battle, but after an accidental shot by the berserk Jolly, he was forced to wade into battle. He naturally joined Hernandez. Now that it was obvious who belonged to which team, the two teams began frantically. lobbing snowballs at each other.

Using the camera she brought, Rachel took a photo of them. With a snap, the sight of the two teams baring their teeth ferociously at each other was immortalized forever. She could not help but let out a sigh when she looked at the picture. “If I sell this photo to the press, I will likely earn more money than the matchmaking. service ever could.”

“Not joining in their fight is the smart move,” Justin said, nodding. She absolutely agreed with that statement. Just as he finished speaking, a loud smack echoed through the air as a snowball was flung at his back.

“We got him, Samuel!”

“Hide!” At some point in time, Charlotte had released Rachel’s hand. She and Samuel then hid behind the tree. One of them was in charge of making the “ammo” while the other focused on attacking. The two kids were currently cheering with joy at their successful attack.

Justin was about to lecture them, but Rachel stopped him. Rachel recalled that Charlotte never had a snowball fight before, so she would likely be eager to have one. The two adults had nearly taken the joys of childhood away from her.

Before Justin could respond, another snowball came swooping down at him, showering the area inside his shirt with snow. Immediately, a rather intense look flashed across his face then. Having never seen his eyes bulging this wide before, Rachel burst out laughing.

This time, his attacker was Hernandez, the person who started this whole battle. His six- foot-tall form dressed in all white could be seen. standing not far away from them, and he was laughing like a madman. “Why are you guys just standing there? Chris, your teammate is just weak. Come join us!”

Of course, Justin was not one to back down from a challenge. “Did you forget how you lost in the boxing match, Hernandez?” Justin retorted as he angrily dusted himself off.

“That was an accident. You will surely lose in this fight!” Another snowball was sent flying toward Justin. “Chris, join my team, quick! We do not want to hit any innocents!”

Rachel, however, was already running toward Charlotte and Samuel. “I’ll be with the kids!” she shouted at Hernandez. “You guys take care!”

As soon as she said that, Jolly joined in the fight with a flying snowball. It had been aimed. at Hernandez, but she missed and hit Justin instead. With that, Justin had now been hit four times by accident.  “Sorry! My target was not you!” Jolly shouted.

“Can’t you aim properly?!” “Well, you are the ones being distracted! All is fair in love and war!” she replied without any guilt at all.

“All is fair, yes?” Then, Justin, who thought the game was too childish for him, struck back with a snowball of his own. After swiftly moving across the battlefield to a better position, Rachel and the two kids joined in the fight as well.

The sky slowly darkened. Furthermore, the snowy land seemed especially cozy and warm as the glows of the setting sun shone down on it. It was evening by the time the fight was finally over. After the sun had set, the group had dinner while Rachel looked up the weather forecast for the next day.


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