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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 452

“Ugh, how come I don’t have any luck?!” After a few rounds of poker, Jolly lost her cool. “I’m not playing anymore. It’s your turn, Chris.”

“What’s with that attitude?” Amid the contemptuous boos from everyone, Jolly resolutely quit the game and declared confidently, “My dad told me that whether we win or lose in the game of poker, we should be free to leave the table whenever we want. That is called good attitude!”

Rachel took Jolly’s seat and said calmly, “I’ve known Mr. Carter for so long, but I haven’t heard him say that before.”

Jolly glared at her. “He said that a long time ago!” “I don’t want to argue with you people anymore. I’m going to cook some pasta.”

“Cook a plate for me too!” Hernandez immediately raised his hand. “I want it with a lot of cheese!” “Dream on! I’m not cooking it for you!”

Jolly rolled her eyes at him and walked straight toward the kitchen. The homestay owner was kind enough to bring some food to them despite the heavy snow at noon, as he was afraid that they would lack supplies while being trapped here. Most of the food he delivered was instant food.

While the pasta was being cooked, the doorbell rang. It rang for a long time, but no one went to open the door.

Jolly was cooking the pasta as she leaned half of her body out of the kitchen to scold someone. When she saw the group playing cards intently, and the two children running around the room, she could tell that nobody would hear her scolding since it was so noisy out there.

Stomping to the door, she went to open it. Not to mention that she lost some money during the game of poker, but now they were also expecting her to be a nanny?!

When she opened the door, the anger on her face hadn’t disappeared. The moment she saw the person in front of the door, her pupils dilated because she could not believe who she saw.

“You… Oh! Oh! Oh!” After screaming at a high pitch, she managed to attract the attention of the rest in the living room. “What’s wrong?”

Leroy rushed out first, for fear that she might be in danger, but he was stunned to see the visitor. Rachel, Justin, and the rest came out. The last one to come out was Victor, who was still holding a handful of cards. “Who is…”

The word ‘it’ did not manage to escape his mouth for a long while. The wind was howling outside, and the blizzard was raging. Throughout the morning, almost half of the town was submerged in snow, and the stairs were also covered with knee-high snow.

At this moment, the figure standing outside came out of the snow one step at a time. Besides a blue parka, she also wore a scarf, a hat, and a pair of gloves. Only her sparkling eyes were exposed, and when she saw them, her eyes went misty.

“Ria?” Rachel exclaimed, “Oh my goodness!” Gloria’s gaze scanned them all and finally landed on the last person to come out. She questioned, “Didn’t you tell me you were in school? Why are you here? Care to explain?”

Victor was instantly speechless. As if they were all communicating through telepathy, the rest avoided the couple and returned to the room, giving them some private space at the entrance. The bouquet of roses in the refrigerator might come in handy now.

Gloria took off her scarf and hat, revealing her flushed, delicate face that was either due to the tight cover or the cold. She looked like an innocent girl next door right now, which was a huge contrast to her usual princess vibes on stage.

“How did you get here?” Victor brushed the snow off her body and hung her coat on the rack. “Took the train, of course. It just so happened that the one I took was the last, and all the trains behind it were out of service.”

“Why did you lie to me on WhatsApp saying that you were in Geneva then?” “Didn’t you lie to me too?”

Gloria looked at him calmly. ‘I’ve been here for so long now. Do you have something to tell me? For example, explain why you’re not in school. but here with Miss Rachel and the others.” Victor froze for a while before stammering, “I… I didn’t mean to lie to you. I… I…”

“Where are my flowers?” Gloria reached her hand out to him. “My roses.” Victor was startled before asking, “You knew?”


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