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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 454

After the cake was brought to the table, Victor and Gloria blew out the candles. “Congratulations to Victor for your successful marriage proposal, as well as for finally finding love.” Rachel took the lead and congratulated the couple.

“Let’s raise our glasses.”

“Thank you, everyone.”

“Cheers!” “Samuel and I would like to join in too!” Charlotte mimicked the adults and clinked her glass that was filled with fruit juice, and she even asked the reluctant Samuel to join in..

The blizzard that went on for one day and one night finally stopped. Since Geneva had been badly hit by the blizzard, Gloria’s performance had to be postponed. Because of that, she didn’t have to rush back. Instead, she took her time and went back to Geneva in a car with the others.

“Are you really planning to take such a long vacation? Did the school agree to it? Why don’t you go back with them?”

Inside Geneva Airport, Jolly looked at Gloria’s sassy expression and couldn’t help but exclaim, “Gloria, he has already left his luggage in your hotel room, so why are you making him leave?

Stop complaining. You should be glad that he is willing to accompany you!” “Mind your own business!” Gloria shot a glare at Jolly.

When she heard that, Jolly lifted her hand helplessly and said, “Alright, I’ll not argue with you anymore. Let’s go, Chris.”

After the brief argument, Gloria was reminded that she was there to see her friends off. She quickly grabbed onto Rachel’s arm and said, “Miss Rachel.”

“I’ll wait for your return at Riverdale.” Rachel hugged her. “Alright.” “Victor, you should stay put here and accompany Gloria. Don’t you dare go back if you make her angry again,” Rachel purposely reminded him before she left. “Mommy, Daddy said it’s time to go.”

Charlotte’s voice could be heard from afar, which caught the attention of the tourists at the airport. Both children stood next to Justin while he donned a khaki wool coat, and they looked so adorable that the passersby couldn’t help but take another look at them.

“I’m coming,” Rachel answered, She hugged Gloria before leaving. While Gloria looked at their backs, she leaned on Victor’s shoulder and asked, “Do you think Rachel and Justin would get back together?”

“I don’t know.” “Hm?” She raised her head puzzledly. “Previously, you said that it isn’t possible without any hesitation.”

“Did I?” “Of course you did. Why is there a change in opinion? Did something happen?” “Nothing happened.”

“Something must have happened! Tell me!” Victor was speechless as he looked at the relentless Gloria. Meanwhile, the flight landed at Riverdale after one day and one night.

Everyone was so exhausted from all the traveling that they fell asleep while on the plane. Besides having short chats during mealtimes, they mostly slept throughout the flight. All of them were exhausted after all that had happened, and it was already evening when they got off the plane. Both children were still sleeping when they went to collect their baggage. One of them was in Justin’s arms, and the other was holding onto Rachel’s hand as he took small steps while still in a daze.

“How are you going back later?” Rachel asked Leroy and Jolly, but her question was mainly targeted at the former. After all, Leroy was a celebrity, so precautions had to be taken whenever he traveled.

As Jolly yawned, she answered, “His driver will be picking us up, and I’ll get a ride from him. I’m not sure why, but my parents want me back home.”


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