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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 471

It was still snowing heavily, marking the first heavy snowfall of the decade. Even the mountains were donned in white, and one could not discern another color on them.

The car windows were completely covered in white and the hole, which was crushed through by the tree, was filled with snowpile. Even if there was a car passing by the area, the people onboard might not be able to realize that there was a car buried under the collapsing house.

At the same time, Rachel had lost her sensations as numbness was the only thing she could feel. When one was exposed to extreme cold, their whole body would tense up, and their muscles would feel like it would snap at any time. Other than the few occasional jolts that reminded her to put up with it, Rachel just wished to close her eyes and take a good sleep.

It was too exhausting. Not only did she drive for almost twenty hours, the twenty over years spent in Riverdale was tiring as well.

If she was given the choice to choose, she would rather stay in Somerset Mountain. Although it was the place of the human trafficking syndicate and a place with inadequate resources where one could only fence for oneself, her childhood days were relatively happier and relaxing.

Rachel felt drowsier as time passed. People said that one would be able to ‘see’ the ones they missed before freezing to death. Their loved ones would bid them farewell so that they would appear in their dreams to give them the hope to move on with life.

Amidst the haziness, a gentle and familiar voice kept ringing in Rachel’s ears like someone was pounding on her temples, trying to pull her back from her dreams. Irritated, she frowned until a ray of light slanted into the space.

Clang! The car moved vigorously, causing her to open her eyes to see the car top shaking. There were traces of someone removing the snow from the windshield too.

A blurry silhouette was waving at her with all its might. Rachel squinted her eyes and looked at it for a while, only to realize that the person was, in fact, wiping the window.

He looks familiar. Who is he? As though she was suffering from amnesia, Rachel could not recall who it was no matter how much she racked her brain. Nevertheless, the familiar voice kept ringing in her ears. What is he shouting?

“Rae? Rae! Rae!”

A part of the white layer of snow was removed to reveal the person’s face, but it was barely recognizable due to her blurry vision. Since the car was buried under the house, Rachel could only see the person from a small hole..

The familiar face appeared in front of her eyes.. She thought it was a dream, yet he was calling her name anxiously.

“Rae! Don’t fall asleep!” Justin shouted in a quivering voice. He kept stretching his hand into the hole to hit the windshield so as to keep her awake. He was so afraid that she would close her eyes. If she slept in this below freezing temperature, she might not be able to wake up again.

Fortunately, Rachel finally opened her eyes and stared at the man for a very long time. Reaching out her hand, she wanted to caress his cheek, but all she could touch was the cold window.

“Is it you?” Her lips parted and she was the only one who could hear herself. However, Justin nodded profusely like he could hear her. “Yes, it’s me. Rae, it’s me! Don’t sleep! The firefighters are on the way now. They’ll be here soon! Just hold on a little longer!”

Rachel’s ears buzzed as past memories conjured in her head. It was the time when Arthur forced her to stay at the resort six years ago. Hans and Janice figured that it was the chance for her to escape. They even had a substitute on standby to fake her death.


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