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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 477

Greensborough was entirely covered in white by the time the snow stopped. There were no snow removal vehicles that were in service in the district, so the townspeople split into teams to shovel snow off the roads and clear out all the paths that led into town.

“Heave-ho, everyone! We’ve gotta clear these roads for the builders or we’ll never get our houses fixed for the rest of winter!” “Come on, guys, put your backs into it”

“Mr. Burton’s here!”

“Mr. Burton!” The townspeople who were shoveling snow stood upright when they saw Justin, who had only just come out from his meeting with the town committee. “Good day, Mr. Burton,” they greeted politely.

Justin nodded at them in acknowledgment and said nothing more. He wasn’t much of a talker, and he looked so stern all the time that the townspeople hesitated to approach him. Right now, they exchanged looks among themselves, and one of them piped up boldly, “Mr. Burton, what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be out here in this freezing weather. Go back and stay warm by the fire.”

Upon hearing this, Harry shot the townsman a sharp look and snapped, ‘Mr. Burton has been on his feet ever since he got to Greensborough, and not once did he take a break from distributing aid to us, but that’s not stopping. you guys from calling him lazy.”

The townspeople collectively flushed when they heard this and averted their gaze guiltily. Harry had been holding a grudge against these. townspeople after hearing their harsh commentary following the shortage in supplies. Young and full of righteous fury, he was understandably upset at their unfair remarks about Justin, and he had no qualms putting them in their place.

Justin, on the other hand, was relatively unfazed as he said plainly, ‘Don’t let me keep. you from your work. I’m just waiting for someone.”

Waiting for someone? While everyone was baffled by this, the sound of an approaching car came from the village entrance. Justin visibly lit up at once and hurried over. One of the townspeople pulled Harry by the arm. “Do you know anything about the person Mr. Burton is expecting?”

Harry gave him a sharp look. “Don’t you have work to get back to? You’d make better progress if you weren’t so nosy.”

“I’m just curious, that’s all. Who could be so important that even the great Mr. Burton would choose to welcome them personally? Should we have a welcoming party or something like that?”

“A welcoming party in the middle of a disaster site? Don’t be ridiculous. Save your energy for clearing out the snow instead. Hey, anyone who slacks off will have their houses repaired last!”

This made the nosy townsfolk snap to attention. They couldn’t afford to have their houses still be in shambles now that it was the depth of winter, so they doubled down on their efforts to shovel snow out of the way. That said, they couldn’t help their curiosity, and some of them craned their necks to get a better look at the town entrance.

Presently, a sleek metallic-gray car rolled to a stop not too far away from where the townsfolk were clearing the paths. The road was somewhat muddy now that the sun was out after the snow.

Frankie got out of the car and made his way to the door of the backseat, thereafter opening it and saying, “If you please, Miss Hudson.”

Justin heard this and stopped in his tracks, then waited for the passenger to get down from the car. Seconds later, a figure clad in gray stepped out of the vehicle, and she stood by the door as she flashed Justin a warm smile. Frankie beamed proudly as he glanced at the two of them and announced, “I’ve brought Miss Hudson to you, President Burton.”

Justin blinked out of his reverie and pointed out grimly, ‘Looks like my words mean nothing to you anymore. Started to do things your own way, have you?”

He had only learned that Frankie was bringing Rachel down to Greensborough five minutes ago, by which it was too late to stop them. He ended up leaving the town meeting before it was properly wrapped up just so that he could stand by for Rachel’s arrival.

Sensing that Justin was unhappy with him, Frankie threw a pleading look in Rachel’s direction. She took the cue and gave Justin a smile, saying, “Now, now. Don’t go blaming Frankie for this. I was the one who insisted on dropping by to see how things are.”

Frankie was grateful to have her speak up for him, otherwise, he might be on the receiving end of Justin’s wrath. Sure enough, Justin let the matter drop and closed the distance between Rachel and himself. He appraised her perfunctorily, then pointed out, “You look like you might freeze to death in those clothes.”

“Frankie turned the heater on in the car, and it was getting a little stuffy in my coat,” Rachel explained with a nonchalant shrug.

“But you’re not in the car anymore, are you? Besides, you could catch a cold in these temperatures. Just forewarning you, we’re short on medical supplies, especially flu meds.”

“And yet, you’re still keeping me here with your nagging,” she countered in amusement. It was only then that he realized what he was doing and quickly said, “This way.”


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