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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 481

There were some rustling sounds coming from the forest. Some animals might be foraging for food now that the snow had melted, or perhaps it was just the sound of wind breezing past the leaves.

“You don’t have to hurry; you can take your time to consider it after going back to Riverdale.”

Justin didn’t urge Rachel to make her decision as soon as possible. After all, business matters required extensive and detailed consideration.

Rachel didn’t give her reply right away, either.. For one, she originally never wanted to get involved with Burton Group. Also, she didn’t want to mediate things between Justin and Julian ever again, fearing that things would only get worse if she did.

“Okay, then I’ll think about it when we get back.”


The two followed the path and walked further into the mountain. Rachel looked around her. “This place does kind of look like Somerset Mountain. If I have a chance, I’d love to visit it again.”

After the fire, which happened when she was eight, she was brought to Riverdale, and she had not visited that place ever since.

Justin said, “No one lives in Somerset Mountain anymore. The forest is also protected well, and it developed into a scenic area. If you want to go back, you might have to buy entrance tickets.”

“I have to buy entrance tickets even when I’m returning to my own home?” “Why don’t we ask about it when we get there?”

When Justin finished speaking, the two smiled at each other.

Rachel and Justin roamed the mountains for a bit and finally returned to the village at noon. An enthusiastic villager insisted on treating them to lunch before letting them leave, and the trunk of their car was stashed full of local specialties. On the way home, there was the smokey smell of cured meat in the car..

Justin frowned as he said to Frankie, “Didn’t I tell you not to accept anything from the villagers?”

Frankie wore a sullen expression. “President Burton, I didn’t mean for that to happen either. The villagers were carrying various gifts in their hands when they blocked our car. They refused to let us leave just like that. As soon as I opened the trunk, it was stashed full right away. I even asked them to leave half of it for themselves, but we still ended up with so much.”

Rachel said, “Don’t blame him. We’ve seen for ourselves how the villagers acted. They might make us stay for dinner if we didn’t leave earlier. We might have to accept their kindness. for a whole month before they let us go.”

“That’s because President Burton is popular here, and the villagers tend to repay any form of kindness.”

“Yes, so we have to hang this meat in front of our doors when we get back so that it can keep curing. The villagers were so sincere about the gifts, after all.”

Hearing Rachel’s words, Frankie and the driver both stifled their laughter. Justin glanced at Rachel in exasperation.

It took more than 20 hours by car to travel from Greensborough to Riverdale. Frankie and the driver alternated between themselves taking the wheel, and they finally reached Riverdale in the shortest possible time.

It was afternoon the next day by the time they arrived at Riverdale. The driver sent Rachel home first. “Gloria’s flight is tomorrow, so don’t forget to fetch her at the airport.”

With the car window between them, Rachel waved at Justin. “I’ll go fetch her if I have time.”

Justin said, “Just focus on your work. She’s not a child now. She doesn’t need anyone to fetch her.”

“You’re so stubborn.”

Rachel laughed, then after watching the car drive away into the distance, she turned around and went upstairs. The first thing she did when she got home was to call Jolly up.

Over the phone, she could even hear Jolly jumping up from the couch. “Why did you go back to your apartment? You should have come to my house straight away. The new year is just around the corner, so there’s no need to go home.”

“It’s almost New Year’s Day?” Rachel was still a little puzzled as she raised her head to look at the digital calendar on the wall. It was already the 28th of December.


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