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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 487

Rachel made her point in a firm and determined tone, leaving no possibilities for a turnaround between her and Julian. Since Julian was no longer the same person he used to be, Rachel reckoned she must think out of the box, knowing that she would be bound to do things with her old and predictable methods if she decided to work with the Burton Group at that moment.

After all, Julian was no longer the same man who played by the book but was instead cunning and shrewd. “I guess we’re done here.” Rachel stared at Julian with a cold and indifferent gaze. “I’m going to head inside first. Don’t worry about your wish because I’ll send your regards to Jolly and Mrs. Carter on your behalf.”

In the meantime, Julian clenched his fists tightly with his eyes glued to Rachel’s back, his gaze darkening in an eerie manner. On the other hand, when Rachel returned to the hair salon, Jolly, whose hair was full of roller clips, walked up to her and asked, “What brought Julian here to meet you?” “Nothing. He just came here to wish us a Happy New Year.”

“Then, why didn’t he come inside?”

“Maybe he is busy.” “Busy? But the new year is just around the corner?” Jolly murmured and asked, ‘Is he still out there? Maybe I can go outside and say hello to him.”

“Alright, that’s enough. Quit being a busybody! You’re going to scare off that guy out there.” Marilyn, who had been watching the whole time, seemingly knew what was going on but felt helpless with her daughter’s foolishness.. “Just sit still and wait until you’re done.”

Nevertheless, Jolly remained unsuspecting of the danger that was lurking in the dark as she went ahead and took a few selfies of herself before posting them onto her social media news feed. ‘I’m getting a new hairstyle. Are you guys excited to see it?’

When she didn’t get any response a few moments later, she raised her phone high up in the air, thinking it was because of the poor signal. On the other hand, Rachel, who had no interest in entertaining Jolly, continued to skim through the magazine in her hands, but her mind couldn’t stop thinking about the words that Julian had told her. Justin is leaving Riverdale after the celebration, but he didn’t mention anything to me during lunch just now.

While it was New Year’s Eve the next day, a fireworks show was scheduled to take place at 12.00AM sharp, to signify the beginning of a new year. For that, Jolly wouldn’t stop begging Rachel to accompany her to the fireworks show. “Come on, Chris. We’re not going to be able to see anything here. So, let’s go to the center of the city.”

“Nope, I’m not doing that because I don’t want to freeze my buns to death.” Considering herself someone who got bothered by the cold pretty easily, Rachel decided to spend her time idling around in the house when she finally got her public holiday.

Nevertheless, Jolly was too restless to give in, although she might have looked like she had given up. In fact, she was thinking of how she could use the two kids to her advantage by counting on them to soften Rachel up. As she expected, Charlotte excitedly ran up to Rachel and said, “Mommy, let’s watch the fireworks show tonight. Jolly said there are fireworks that look like rabbits.”

Rachel replied in an annoyed manner, “What’re you talking about? She is just messing with you.” Jolly immediately replied, “I swear I just saw it. If I lied to you, I’d be no better than a dog.”

“Mommy!” Charlotte blinked. In response to her daughter’s adorable reaction, Rachel helplessly closed her book and let out a sigh. “Fine, put on your down jacket and tell Samuel we’re setting out. Let’s go.”

“Yeah! Samuel, we’re going to watch the fireworks show!” Charlotte ran all the way to Samuel’s room and excitedly told her brother that.

On the other hand, Mr. and Mrs. Carter were both watching television in the living room when they heard the others talking about watching the fireworks show. Thus, they only told them not to stay out late and continued watching their television program. Since they had an early flight to catch the next morning, Marilyn decided not to tag along, or she would have wanted to join Rachel and the others due to her adventurous nature.

Soon, Rachel drove everyone to the city center but only took a few moments to find an available parking lot, much to her surprise. “It looks like there are fewer people who have come for the fireworks show than I thought,” Rachel commented in confusion.

“No way! I think it’s because many of them didn’t drive here. Think about it. Most of the people who are foreigners in Riverdale have probably gone home for the celebration, but since the residents here are mostly locals, they could probably just stay home and watch the fireworks, except those who live further away.”

“Well, you might have figured everything out, but I wonder if that is really the case in reality.” As soon as Rachel parked her car, everyone else stepped out of the vehicle and made their way from the basement car park to the square, only to see nothing out of the ordinary there. Besides the 24-hour convenience stores, the rest of the shops were all closed just like they should be. At that instant, the center of the city, which was the busiest and most crowded area of the town during the day, appeared to be desolate and quiet..


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