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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 499

“What is it, Samuel?”

“I’ve lost something, Mommy. Please help me find it.” Samuel’s eyes were filled with childish innocence when he blinked, and no one would doubt his words.

At that, Rachel could only abandon Justin and follow Samuel.

“Samuel, where are you taking me?”

“You’ll know when we get there.”

Rachel followed after Samuel as he jogged. It was already late at night at this point, but the summer villa yard was still brightly lit, and the sound of music blanketed all noise. The exceptionally lively atmosphere set off the silence and darkness around it.

Samuel jogged all the way to the villa’s deserted rockery on the northeast corner. The summer villa was massive, but this was a spot not even the gardeners would come.

“Samuel.” Just as Rachel called out to him for fear that he would trip from being unable to see his surroundings, she found a familiar figure standing in the dark.

“Janice? Rachel was stumped. She reflexively checked her surroundings to make sure no one else was around before moving closer. “What brings you here?”

“Don’t worry, no one knows I’m here.” Janice ruffled Samuel’s hair. “I have to say, Samuel’s really smart. He can even think to distract your daughter before getting you.”

At that, Rachel shifted her gaze to the boy. “Samuel, you should head back to the yard.”

“Has something come up? Why have you suddenly come to me?” Rachel asked after Samuel left.

To avoid suspicion, the two hadn’t openly contacted each other for a long time. Even if something did come up, they would reach out via a feature phone.

Since the Porter Family behind the smuggling ring hadn’t been caught, the smuggling case remained open. Thus, Rachel’s job as the informant had to continue.

“There’s nothing at the moment, for the Porters haven’t done anything significant yet. The update we got from Coraline is that they want to lay low in Enistan for the time being. Of course, they aren’t actually laying low. They’re relying on the casino to launder their money.”

“Has Dillion gone there?”

“Not just Dillon, but Sabrina as well. It seems that what happened last time got them losing some of their trust in Dillon, so they had Sabrina tag along to keep an eye.”

“Is Coraline doing okay?”

“She’s alright. Sabrina even suspected her at one point, but because the higher-ups value her and that they don’t have any solid proof, no one dares to lay a finger on her.”

“That’s good to hear.” Rachel heaved a sigh of relief.

“After things have quieted down, they will probably reach their hands toward Riverdale, and you’ll be their first target by then, I’m afraid.”

“I know.”

Surely no one would believe there was nothing suspicious when Rachel returned to Riverdale unscathed from the smuggling incident. Alas, it’d be troublesome when she had to explain things.

“Oh, one more thing.” Janice handed Rachel a bag. “This is my wedding gift to Gloria.”

After recovering from her momentary stump, Rachel smiled. “You’ve actually come to give her this, haven’t you?”

Janice beat around the bush and talked about work, but in actuality, there was nothing they. could do at the moment. The only thing they could actually talk about was the gift Janice handed to Rachel.

Janice didn’t deny it, and she was rather embarrassed as well. “No doubt many will attend Gloria’s wedding. I can’t show myself. Hand this to her for me and tell her I give her my blessings.”

Together, they had helped Rachel flee six years ago. Janice had comrades, partners, and loyal subordinates, but she barely had any friends. To her, Rachel and Gloria were among the scarce few she had.

Rachel’s eyes suddenly got misty. “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely hand it to her.”

“I’ll take my leave, then.”


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