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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 516

Whir! The plane landed at Enistan Airport. It was evening, and the clouds were burning with brilliant color. The cab was stuck in the city center, and the streets bustled outside. The crowd surged throughout the streets as double- decker tourist buses weaved in and out of traffic. The retro scenery seemed to remind people of the 90s.

In the car, two women’s faces were reflected in the mirror. One of them was exquisite and alluring, while the other was elegant and calm. The cab driver couldn’t help but steal more glances at them..

“And…. we’re here.”

“Thank you.”

Once they got out of the car, the bellboy of the five-star hotel came over to them and carried their luggage. After checking in, Rachel and Jolly went straight to their room.

Upon entering the room, Rachel drew the curtains open. Victoria Harbor was right outside, and the ships passed by, forming an alluring scene of the bustling night. Rachel looked back and asked, “I got a room with a sea view. Feels like we’re on vacation, doesn’t it?”

Jolly just gave it a glance, for she wasn’t in the  mood to appreciate the view. “When can we see Leroy?”

“We’ll wait at the hospital tomorrow morning. Since his father is gravely ill, he’d be there as well.”

After all, Marcus was the boss of Lush Enterprise, so there should be quite a number of people guarding the hospital he was staying at. It wasn’t difficult to get information.

Before boarding the flight, Rachel had already sent someone to investigate. Marcus was staying at a hospital that belonged to the Grandeur Group.

Jolly took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled as she looked at the sunset outside, dazed. “If he hadn’t met me, he wouldn’t have returned.”

“What’s the use of thinking about these things? Even if he met someone else instead of you, he’d be held hostage similarly. However, things are different now that he met you.”

“Different how?”

“I believe that not many people possess your vitality to rush over at a moment’s notice and to crash the wedding as soon as you put your mind to it.”

One of Jolly’s strengths was her ability to take prompt action. Meanwhile, in Riverdale. At the inpatient department of Cardinal Hospital, Estelle brought some soup she made, intending to deliver dinner to Ryan.

“Miss Dolton, Mr. Sutton is already discharged.”

“When did that happen?” Estelle’s expression instantly changed. “Wasn’t he still here in the morning?”

“After you left at noon, Mr. Sutton’s assistant came over, whereupon he got discharged. Mr. Sutton left quickly, and it looked like something urgent.”

“Where did he go?”

“Um… I’m not sure about that. Why don’t you – call him and ask?” Estelle clenched her fists. If her calls could go through, she wouldn’t have to ask someone about it.

Early the next morning, Rachel and Jolly hailed a cab to Grandeur Hospital. Grandeur Hospital was situated in the suburbs in the southwest region of Enistan, and it was more than an hour’s journey from the city center. It was built right next to the beach, and the place was quite remote.

Once out of the car, they could hear waves crashing in the distance. Jolly frowned instantly. “Why is he hospitalized in such a remote place? Is this hospital any good?”

Rachel answered, “It’s just like any other hospital. However, it’s more accurate to call it a nursing home and a top-class one at that.”

“Then why is he here?”

“For a cancer patient who has gone through so many years of treatment, it’s essentially meaningless to continue treatment at this point. They just want to reduce as much pain and suffering as possible. It’s a nice environment to stay in, and it’s also a hospital under Grandeur Group, so it’s probably easier to hide secrets.”

Not many people knew that Marcus had cancer. After all, he was crucial in sustaining Lushi Enterprise. Once news of this got out, it would cause a huge uproar. So, to the public, he was simply in ill health and had decided to rest and recuperate here.

“Let’s go.” Rachel looked at the hospital in front of them.


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