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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 527

Feeling sympathetic for Jolly who was still getting over the pain of her breakup, Rachel decided to help her by giving her some opinions about which dress to pick through her earphone. In the end, Jolly settled with a beautiful gray dress. “Alright, take care of the bill yourself later.”

“No problem.” Jolly’s voice was heard from the earphone. “Pick one for yourself too.”

“Any dress is fine by me.”

“No way. You need to pick a decent dress for yourself on a grand occasion like the one we’re going to be attending. Be sure to pick one for her, Justin. Do you hear me?” Jolly said in a bossy manner.

Although Justin was present throughout the call, he was silent most of the time. While he was initially planning to just be a fly on the wall, he didn’t expect Jolly to call him out like that. Nonetheless, he was happy to help Rachel in that regard. “Try this one, Rae.’ Justin clamped the green dress tightly with his fingers, showing the eye-catching fabric with a vintage flavor to the lady as he indirectly proved his good taste.

As Rachel couldn’t seem to find a reason to turn the man down, the saleswoman approached her to take her measurements, explaining with a smile, “It can be rather troublesome to put on this dress, so maybe I should come with you, Madam.”

“Thank you.” Rachel gazed at Justin. “Wait for me outside.”


The saleswoman then followed Rachel into the fitting room. While the dress seemed even better on the wearer, its color perfectly set off Rachel’s fair skin. When the saleswoman saw that, she couldn’t stop complimenting Rachel’s beauty.

“You look stunning in this dress, Madam.”

“Thank you.”

“I suppose that man outside must be your husband. You both make such a perfect couple.”

“Do we really?”

“Not only do you two look like a perfect couple, but I’m also sure that your husband really loves you. Look at him. He carries everything for you and picks your clothes for you. In fact, men, who are willing to shop with their wives and pick clothes for them, are hard to find these. days. While Rachel chuckled in response, the saleswoman added, “Oh, I wouldn’t laugh at that if I were you, Madam.

I dare say that I’ve become quite a good judge myself, considering the years I’ve spent working as a salesperson here. We can tell whether a man loves his wife by just observing his reaction. Therefore, I’m sure you’re in luck, Madam.” The saleswoman went on and on, giving Rachel little to no chance to interrupt and cut her short.

When the saleswoman was finally told to fix her dress, Rachel opened the fitting room curtain, only to see Justin sitting on the couch with his eyes closed, seemingly asleep. Initially stunned, she quickly felt warm on the inside as she continued to set her eyes on the man. After all, Justin had been keeping her company wherever she went for the past few days, not to mention the fact that he slept on the couch at night. Therefore, she could tell that Justin must have been exhausted from the busy schedule in these few days. For that, she turned her attention to the saleswoman and said, “I’ll go with this dress. Please pack it for me.”

In the meantime, Justin continued to nod off on the couch until the cushion beside him began to sink. It was then that he woke up and saw Rachel sitting beside him in her casual wear. “Wait, what? Didn’t you change? The dress doesn’t look good on you?”

“I did, and it looked good on me too. So, I told the saleswoman to pack it for me.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“You were sound asleep, so I figured I shouldn’t ruin your sweet dream.” Rachel took a look at the watch and said, “It’s getting late now. So, let’s go back.”

“Relax, we’re not in a hurry anyway. We can have dinner together before returning to the hotel. In fact, I’ve booked a table at a restaurant, and Jolly will be joining us.”

“With us?”

“She’ll perhaps sit two tables away from us.”


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