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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 533

“Rae, what’s wrong?” Justin asked as Rachel dragged him along hastily toward the exit. However, she didn’t have enough strength to pull him with her easily. Moreover, she was wearing a gown, which constrained her movements.

She tripped before she could make it to the exit as she had stepped on her dress. Fortunately, Justin reacted in time to grab her from falling and helped her to regain her balance. “Are you okay?”

Nodding her head, she was at a loss for words when she raised her head and found the person she wanted to avoid was watching them.

The person stared at the duo with a gloomy and sharp look in his eyes, much like a bird of prey hovering above the cliff and waiting for ant opportunity to feed on the animal flesh. He watched them intensely, his attention glued to them. Rachel shivered as his eyes landed on her.

After she had experienced the smuggling case in Yatruinia last year and returned to Riverdale, the same pair of eyes had been the cause of her frequent nightmares for a while ever since.

She pulled her hand out from Justin’s grip immediately. Scowling at her sudden change, he tried to turn his head to look at the person, but was stopped as Rachel growled in a low voice, ‘Don’t look!”

Rachel then explained, “Listen to me, stay here and wait for Frankie. I’ve got to go.”

“Where are you going?”

“Stop asking!” Rachel almost broke down, and it was as if her mind was on fire. Never in a million years did she think she would see Dillon at the wedding.

Even though she knew Justin had questions, she had no time to answer him. Not wanting to take him down with her, she left the banquet hall without hesitation.

I’m safe if he didn’t recognize me or didn’t even see me, Rachel mused. However, that’s impossible. When Rachel walked out of the banquet hall, someone stopped her.

“Long time no see, Miss Hudson,” Dillon called her from behind with a cold tone.

Walking toward her casually, he circled her to. inspect her and finally stopped before her. To be exact, he was standing a meter away from her, and between them were three strong men, who looked like his bodyguards. Rachel affirmed that Dillon had become more cautious since the smuggling case.

She clutched her purse to calm herself down and feigned a smile. ‘What a coincidence, Young Master Porter. I didn’t expect to see you here!”

“Exactly what I was thinking,” Dillon said with a fake smile plastered to his face. “This is not a place for reminiscing, though. Miss Hudson, may I treat you to a drink as an old acquaintance?”

Rachel took a step back, but one of the buff men stopped her in her retreat.

“Come on. Bring Miss Hudson to the tea house.” As if on cue, the other two men stepped closer to her. As they were approaching, she felt that their presence was suffocating her. Dillon watched her. “Miss Hudson, are you going by yourself, or do you need their help?”

Tightening her grasp over her purse, Rachel answered with a pale look, “It’s alright. I can go. there by myself.”

Deep in the Idyll Vacation Villa that was surrounded by dense forests and winding paths, there was a tiny detached house situated in a multi-style courtyard. It was a private teahouse that didn’t entertain just anyone. In short, people who had been invited to this place were no commoners.

The fragrance of tea was permeating the air in the room. A server dressed in traditional dress was making the tea, while someone was playing the piano behind the screen. The overall environment was elegant and relaxing. Rachel was the only one who looked out of place in her gown.

Dillon took a sip of his tea as he murmured, “Take a seat, Miss Hudson. Why are you standing? The others will accuse me for not treating my guests well if they knew it.”

She remained on her spot as she spoke through gritted teeth. “Young Master Porter, I think we need to sort things out.”


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