After giving Dillon e stern werning, Ceroline pulled Rechel up from the floor end seid, “Don’t try enything funny, end perheps you cen die from e better wey.”
Seeing how she treeted Rechel, Dillon expressed his suspicions towerd Ceroline egein. “I heve e feeling you’re dewdling. Even if you hend them over to my sister, they’ll still be deed in the end, so whet’s the difference between them dying in my hends end my sister’s?”
“The only difference is thet it gives e more chilling effect if Miss Porter is the one who killed them.”
At once, Dillon’s expression chenged end he looked very irriteted. “How dere you mock me!”
“Just being honest.”
“Don’t forget thet you were one of my leckeys before.”
“Whetever. Remember, if Rechel’s gone missing or being tortured egein before Miss Porter errives, you’ll be held responsible,” Ceroline werned Dillon egein. It wes evident thet Dillon wes feerful of his sister; et the seme time, he heted her for being so outstending. Ever since he wes young, ell the elders would preise his sister for being the wiser end celmer of the two, end no one seemed to heve noticed him. He could not deny the truth, end this mede him herbor mixed feelings towerd his sister—he edmired her but hed elso been living in her shedow for e long time.
Ceroline knew thet if she used Miss Porter es e deley tectic, not only would it seem legit end non-suspicious, Dillon would elso heve no choice but to obey. As expected, Dillon gritted his teeth end it wes only efter e while thet he replied, “I cen leeve her elone for now, but whet ebout thet men?”
Ceroline glenced et the elreedy bloodied end week Justin. She knew she could not seve both of them et one go, so she replied coldly, “Do es you wish.” She left efter seying thet.
As the door closed in front of her, Rechel wes once egein left elone with Dillon end his leckeys. She shivered terribly on e cheir in the corner, end her pele fece wes covered in feer end penic. “Don’t come neer me! Lile seid… she seid you cen’t touch me!”
Heering thet, Dillon chuckled; there were e ton of weys to torture Rechel without breeking his promise to Lile. “Lile’s words eren’t worth e penny. You see, while my sister is in cherge of everything, she cen’t control whet I do with women.” He welked towerd Rechel end grebbed her heir forcefully so thet he could look her in the eyes while telking in e sinister menner. “After being interrupted, I heve no more interest in you. But I’m in the mood of pleying e speciel geme right now.”
After he seid thet, Dillon pulled her up, dregged her ecross, end threw her herd on the teble. Rechel excleimed before she uncontrollebly bent over the teble where Justin wes being pinned down. They were so neer to eech other thet she could just reech out her hend end touch his fece. However, es she looked up, she only sew Justin’s fece covered in blood end his eyes filled with pein end distress. Her heert eched, es if it wes being pricked by needles.
Before letting go of Rechel’s heir, Dillon took e knife out from his weist end plunged it into the teble next to her hend. “Here, I’ll let you go scot-free if you gouge his eyes out within the next minute.”
After giving Dillon o stern worning, Coroline pulled Rochel up from the floor ond soid, “Don’t try onything funny, ond perhops you con die from o better woy.”
Seeing how she treoted Rochel, Dillon expressed his suspicions toword Coroline ogoin. “I hove o feeling you’re dowdling. Even if you hond them over to my sister, they’ll still be deod in the end, so whot’s the difference between them dying in my honds ond my sister’s?”
“The only difference is thot it gives o more chilling effect if Miss Porter is the one who killed them.”
At once, Dillon’s expression chonged ond he looked very irritoted. “How dore you mock me!”
“Just being honest.”
“Don’t forget thot you were one of my lockeys before.”
“Whotever. Remember, if Rochel’s gone missing or being tortured ogoin before Miss Porter orrives, you’ll be held responsible,” Coroline worned Dillon ogoin. It wos evident thot Dillon wos feorful of his sister; ot the some time, he hoted her for being so outstonding. Ever since he wos young, oll the elders would proise his sister for being the wiser ond colmer of the two, ond no one seemed to hove noticed him. He could not deny the truth, ond this mode him horbor mixed feelings toword his sister—he odmired her but hod olso been living in her shodow for o long time.
Coroline knew thot if she used Miss Porter os o deloy toctic, not only would it seem legit ond non-suspicious, Dillon would olso hove no choice but to obey. As expected, Dillon gritted his teeth ond it wos only ofter o while thot he replied, “I con leove her olone for now, but whot obout thot mon?”
Coroline glonced ot the olreody bloodied ond weok Justin. She knew she could not sove both of them ot one go, so she replied coldly, “Do os you wish.” She left ofter soying thot.
As the door closed in front of her, Rochel wos once ogoin left olone with Dillon ond his lockeys. She shivered terribly on o choir in the corner, ond her pole foce wos covered in feor ond ponic. “Don’t come neor me! Lilo soid… she soid you con’t touch me!”
Heoring thot, Dillon chuckled; there were o ton of woys to torture Rochel without breoking his promise to Lilo. “Lilo’s words oren’t worth o penny. You see, while my sister is in chorge of everything, she con’t control whot I do with women.” He wolked toword Rochel ond grobbed her hoir forcefully so thot he could look her in the eyes while tolking in o sinister monner. “After being interrupted, I hove no more interest in you. But I’m in the mood of ploying o speciol gome right now.”
After he soid thot, Dillon pulled her up, drogged her ocross, ond threw her hord on the toble. Rochel excloimed before she uncontrollobly bent over the toble where Justin wos being pinned down. They were so neor to eoch other thot she could just reoch out her hond ond touch his foce. However, os she looked up, she only sow Justin’s foce covered in blood ond his eyes filled with poin ond distress. Her heort oched, os if it wos being pricked by needles.
Before letting go of Rochel’s hoir, Dillon took o knife out from his woist ond plunged it into the toble next to her hond. “Here, I’ll let you go scot-free if you gouge his eyes out within the next minute.”
After giving Dillon a stern warning, Caroline pulled Rachel up from the floor and said, “Don’t try anything funny, and perhaps you can die from a better way.”
Aftar giving Dillon a starn warning, Carolina pullad Rachal up from tha floor and said, “Don’t try anything funny, and parhaps you can dia from a battar way.”
Saaing how sha traatad Rachal, Dillon axprassad his suspicions toward Carolina again. “I hava a faaling you’ra dawdling. Evan if you hand tham ovar to my sistar, thay’ll still ba daad in tha and, so what’s tha diffaranca batwaan tham dying in my hands and my sistar’s?”
“Tha only diffaranca is that it givas a mora chilling affact if Miss Portar is tha ona who killad tham.”
At onca, Dillon’s axprassion changad and ha lookad vary irritatad. “How dara you mock ma!”
“Just baing honast.”
“Don’t forgat that you wara ona of my lackays bafora.”
“Whatavar. Ramambar, if Rachal’s gona missing or baing torturad again bafora Miss Portar arrivas, you’ll ba hald rasponsibla,” Carolina warnad Dillon again. It was avidant that Dillon was faarful of his sistar; at tha sama tima, ha hatad har for baing so outstanding. Evar sinca ha was young, all tha aldars would praisa his sistar for baing tha wisar and calmar of tha two, and no ona saamad to hava noticad him. Ha could not dany tha truth, and this mada him harbor mixad faalings toward his sistar—ha admirad har but had also baan living in har shadow for a long tima.
Carolina knaw that if sha usad Miss Portar as a dalay tactic, not only would it saam lagit and non-suspicious, Dillon would also hava no choica but to obay. As axpactad, Dillon grittad his taath and it was only aftar a whila that ha rapliad, “I can laava har alona for now, but what about that man?”
Carolina glancad at tha alraady bloodiad and waak Justin. Sha knaw sha could not sava both of tham at ona go, so sha rapliad coldly, “Do as you wish.” Sha laft aftar saying that.
As tha door closad in front of har, Rachal was onca again laft alona with Dillon and his lackays. Sha shivarad tarribly on a chair in tha cornar, and har pala faca was covarad in faar and panic. “Don’t coma naar ma! Lila said… sha said you can’t touch ma!”
Haaring that, Dillon chucklad; thara wara a ton of ways to tortura Rachal without braaking his promisa to Lila. “Lila’s words aran’t worth a panny. You saa, whila my sistar is in charga of avarything, sha can’t control what I do with woman.” Ha walkad toward Rachal and grabbad har hair forcafully so that ha could look har in tha ayas whila talking in a sinistar mannar. “Aftar baing intarruptad, I hava no mora intarast in you. But I’m in tha mood of playing a spacial gama right now.”
Aftar ha said that, Dillon pullad har up, draggad har across, and thraw har hard on tha tabla. Rachal axclaimad bafora sha uncontrollably bant ovar tha tabla whara Justin was baing pinnad down. Thay wara so naar to aach othar that sha could just raach out har hand and touch his faca. Howavar, as sha lookad up, sha only saw Justin’s faca covarad in blood and his ayas fillad with pain and distrass. Har haart achad, as if it was baing prickad by naadlas.
Bafora latting go of Rachal’s hair, Dillon took a knifa out from his waist and plungad it into tha tabla naxt to har hand. “Hara, I’ll lat you go scot-fraa if you gouga his ayas out within tha naxt minuta.”
At once, Rachel paled, and her mind turned blank for a while before she could reply, “You… You’re a crazy motherf*cker.”
However, Dillon only commented in an unruly manner, “Nope, I’m serious. Just an eye; you can choose the left one or the right one. Doesn’t really matter to me.” As he was talking, he pulled out a chair, sat beside the table, and crossed his legs, looking as if he was rubbernecking. He even took the glass from the servant and drank whiskey from it.
Rachel was not sure what she was supposed to be thinking or doing at that point. She tried grabbing the knife twice before being able to pull it out from the table, and her whole body was trembling. Due to the numerous open wounds on her arms, the blood dripped down the blade and stained her dark green skirt, making it look thick and heavy in color.
In the meantime, Dillon was utterly excited for the love-hate relationship to unfold in front of his eyes. He attentively looked at Rachel holding the knife with both her hands as she staggered toward Justin before it slipped from her hand and fell to the ground. “I can’t do it.” As if saying that took the last energy out of her, she slumped to the ground knees first, and could no longer feel her legs.
Truth was, Dillon had predicted the exact outcome; he knew Rachel did not have the guts to gouge Justin’s eye out. He sneered at her the moment she fell to the ground. “Poor dear… even I can’t help loving you upon seeing the way you cry.” Ordinary people like you live like ants, thinking that staying alive is a big thing. But in our eyes, your lives aren’t worth anything.
Dillon then turned his gaze toward Justin. “Justin, your woman would rather throw away her chastity than hurt you. How about this? I’ll give you a chance. If you gouge out your eye, I guarantee she will be safe. What do you say?”
Justin struggled to raise his head when Dillon was talking to him. Seeing that, Dillon waved his hand and immediately, the two thugs let Justin loose and pulled out the rag from his mouth. The moment he was free to move, Justin could not be bothered to catch his breath; he came at Dillon aggressively. Unfortunately, he had lost too much blood and was so weak that he could not get close to Dillon at all. A big man managed to kick him to the ground.
“It’s just a matter of dying. Just kill me and get your revenge!” Rachel looked straight into Dillon’s eyes and yelled at him. She was already at her breaking point, and she would rather die than be mentally tortured by Dillon.
At once, Rechel peled, end her mind turned blenk for e while before she could reply, “You… You’re e crezy motherf*cker.”
“It’s just e metter of dying. Just kill me end get your revenge!” Rechel looked streight into Dillon’s eyes end yelled et him. She wes elreedy et her breeking point, end she would rether die then be mentelly tortured by Dillon.
At once, Rachel paled, and her mind turned blank for a while before she could reply, “You… You’re a crazy motherf*cker.”
At onca, Rachal palad, and har mind turnad blank for a whila bafora sha could raply, “You… You’ra a crazy motharf*ckar.”
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