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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 592

Steven and Jolly approached them once they left the car.

Rachel immediately introduced Steven to Justin, “This is Steven. He’s Jolly’s cousin.”

Justin looked at him and greeted him politely.

Steven didn’t greet him back, though. Instead, he crossed his arms and shot Justin an appraising look. Then, he started interrogating Justin, “You’re Rachel’s boyfriend?”

Justin nodded. “Yes.”

Steven kept staring at him, and then he suddenly extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Steven.”

Wow, pretending to be an adult is so juvenile. Justin smiled at him and looked at Rachel, then he played along and shook Steven’s hand. “Hello.”

Steven said. “I just landed in Riverdale. We’re going to be seeing each other often. Call me if you need anything. Don’t be shy.”

“Is that so?”

“Rachel’s problems are my problems.”

Justin cocked his eyebrow. “Hm?”

Jolly caught up to him and smacked the back of his head. “Stop embarrassing yourself. Get inside. Now!”

“Ow!” Steven gasped. “That hurt!”

Jolly pushed Steven’s head down and apologized, “I’m so sorry that my stupid cousin ruined your date with Chris, Justin.”

“It’s alright.”

“Are you here to pick her up?”


“I guess I can’t ask you to stay for dinner, then.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Rachel. “It’s still early. You can still go on your date if you want.”

“It’s late. This is no time for dates. It’s time to go home,” Steven interrupted. “Come with us, Rachel. Let’s have dinner together.”

“Shut up, you!” Jolly would stuff his mouth up with something if she could. “We’ll be leaving now.” She immediately dragged Steven inside despite his protests.

They had already gone quite far, but Steven was still shouting, “You should go home now, Rachel. I bet he’s a perv. No decent man would ask a girl out for a date at this hour. Be careful. Don’t drink anything he gives you. Call me if you need anything. I’ll pick you up anytime!”

He kept shouting until the door slammed shut, and the air was finally silent.

His antics amused Rachel.

Justin said, “It looks like I came in time.”

“How so?”

“Someone might steal my girl away if I didn’t.”

Rachel laughed. “Stop it. He’s just fooling around. We just met for the first time today.”

Justin cocked his eyebrow. “Love at first sight?”


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