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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 594

After work that day, Justin came to pick Rachel up at the office. “Have you been waiting for a long while?” Rachel wore her seatbelt before turning to give the man an apologetic look. “I’m so sorry. We had an emergency meeting about the product’s launch, and we lost track of time after a while.”

Justin started driving with a calm look on his face. “It’s fine. I just reached a while ago.” Rachel glanced at her watch. “It’s nearly 8.00PM now. I wonder if Charlotte and Samuel are asleep.” They had agreed to video call the two kids. Even though they had only been separated from the kids for a few days, they missed them and wanted to see them. They had agreed on the video call that morning, which was why Justin offered to pick Rachel up.

“I don’t think they’re asleep yet, but I think Gloria and Victor probably can’t stay up for long,” Justin replied.

“I feel pretty bad for troubling them. We promised to head over with them, and I can’t believe we haven’t made a move until now. They were supposed to be on their honeymoon, yet they had to bring the kids with them.” Charlotte and Samuel had followed Gloria to Tahiti for her honeymoon. Initially, Rachel and Justin were supposed to join them after the first two days, but they couldn’t seem to leave their work in Riverdale. So, they hadn’t been able to travel to Tahiti at all, and the couple on honeymoon had to deal with the kids instead.

Gloria and Victor had initially intended to leave everything in Riverdale behind to enjoy some quality time in Tahiti. Still, they hadn’t expected to bring another two kids along with them. “I don’t think I’ll be able to finish my work anytime soon. I’m afraid I’ll only be able to go over during Jolly’s wedding,” Justin announced. Rachel thought about his words for a moment. “That’s one month from now. Gloria is probably annoyed at this. If she knew that Jolly’s wedding was in Tahiti as well, she probably would have gotten Victor to delay their honeymoon for a month.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s much of an issue. We’re not sure what might happen one month from now,” Justin commented.

“That’s true. I hope everything goes well,” Rachel replied. Once they arrived at Rachel’s condominium, she hurriedly pulled her laptop out before making the video call. Justin went to the kitchen to pour them some water. He was familiar with the place, so his actions were swift and practiced. The ‘connecting’ sign popped on the laptop screen for a while before Gloria’s face appeared on the other end of the call.

She looked surprisingly fresh and energetic—Rachel had expected her to be more drained. With the different time zones that they were in, Gloria’s place was still bright and sunny. There were palm trees and blue skies in her background, which made the area seem serene and pleasant. “Did you just get off work, Rachel?” Gloria asked.

“Yeah. I just got home.” Rachel waved into the camera. “Charlotte!”

“Mommy!” Charlotte immediately threw aside the toy shovel in her hand before running over to the laptop. She was wearing a pink, one-piece swimsuit and ran over to give the screen a firm kiss. “Muacks!”

“Muacks,” Rachel replied with a smile. “Are you having fun, Charlotte?”

“Of course! When are you guys coming? Samuel and I found a lot of pretty seashells yesterday, and Mr. Victor said that we could use them to make a windchime!”

“I can’t believe you’re bringing this up!” Gloria rolled her eyes at the child before complaining to Rachel about what had happened. “Rachel, did you know that Charlotte got into a fight with some other kid over a seashell? I didn’t even know what to say!”

“I was the one who saw the seashell first. He wanted to snatch it away from me!” Charlotte protested.

“Is that a valid reason to get into a fight?” Gloria grabbed the girl’s arm and pulled her closer to the camera. “Look at that, Rachel. She got into a fight and has a red mark on her neck now.”

“How did you injure yourself?” Rachel felt her chest tightening. “Is it a serious injury? Let me take a look at it.”

“Don’t worry about it. The mark is barely visible. However, the other kid was a little unluckier. As they were fighting, that kid stepped into one of the crabs’ hideouts, and his toe was bleeding after he got bitten by the crab’s pincers,” Gloria explained. Rachel frowned as she heard this story. She could already picture how gruesome the wound would be and imagine how worried and awful the other kid’s parents would feel.


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