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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 597

Justin straightened his figure before he leaned forward and edged closer to Rachel. “An old man like me has seen enough of the world. Do you think I’d be bothered when a young man tells me that I’m old?” Justin spoke in a soft voice, and there was the sound of a violin playing in the restaurant, so he and Rachel were the only two people who could hear what he said. At that moment, it felt like they were in a bubble separated from the whole world. They had a private space all to themselves.

Rachel saw the clear and bright look in Justin’s eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. Right then, Steven returned from the washroom. Rachel cleared her throat before taking her arms off the desk and pretending as if nothing had happened at all. Steven was still in high spirits when he returned to the table. “Where should we go in the evening?” he asked.

“There’s a reservoir in the outskirts of Riverdale, and the view there is pretty nice,” Justin said.

“Sure. I’ll get the bill, and we can leave,” Steven offered before holding his hand up. “Bill, please!”

The waiter walked over with a smile. “This gentleman over here has already gotten the bill,” the waiter explained. Steven froze for a moment before frowning at Justin. “Didn’t I say that I would buy you guys a meal? So why did you pay for it?”

“You’re the guest in our city. If you really want to buy us a meal, you can do it the next time,” Justin said. Steven was about to protest when Rachel patted him on the shoulder. “Alright. Jolly told me to take care of you, and you just graduated, so how could we get you to pay for anything? Come on. Let’s go explore the city a little more,” she suggested.

“Fine. It’ll be my turn to buy you guys a meal next time,” Steven insisted.

“Sure,” Rachel replied.

It was the perfect time of the year to visit the reservoir on the outskirts of Riverdale. The weather wasn’t cold, and the cooling breeze felt nice against one’s skin. The skies were clear, and the sound of water filled their ears as they walked along the pathway. The view was terrific. Justin drove them to the reservoir, and Steven sat in the backseat.

As Justin was driving, Steven noticed a part of Justin’s left pinky that looked like it had been amputated. This wasn’t the first time Steven had seen it, but the more he looked at it, the more it didn’t seem like a congenital disability. “What happened to your hand?” Steven was a straightforward person, and he asked whatever question he had in mind.

Rachel, who had been smiling and chatting before that, frowned upon hearing Steven’s question. Her gaze darkened a little. “I accidentally broke it. It’s no big deal,” Justin said.

“How did you accidentally break your finger?” Steven said without paying any attention to the look on Rachel’s face. “That’s so careless of you. How will you take good care of others in the future?”

“Steven.” Rachel interrupted their conversation. “You have a license, don’t you? Why don’t you drive us back later?”

“Of course. I got my license after my first attempt. My driving teacher called me a genius!” When it came to the topic of Steven’s driver’s license, he had a lot to say, and he went on and on about it. Even though Rachel had managed to change the topic, she couldn’t help but take a few more glances at Justin’s pinky. The wound that he got from his pinky being chopped off in Enistan had healed a little, and the scar wasn’t too hideous. However, his pinky would never look the same as before.

Justin knew how bad Rachel felt whenever someone brought this topic up, so he reached over and squeezed her hand to comfort her. Steven had been talking about his license when he suddenly caught the two people in front holding hands. Steven was stunned for a moment. “Hey, you should keep two hands on the wheel when driving. It’s illegal to drive with one hand, you know?” Steven uttered intentionally.

“It seems like you really studied for your driving test,” Justin voiced with a scoff. Rachel’s cheeks turned pink, but she didn’t say much after that. Since they were completely free that week, Justin drove for more than 30 miles to get them to the reservoir. In the past, this place used to be less well-known to the public. Alas, now that more people had heard of the area, the crowd grew larger than before, and there were already many people by the time they arrived.

“There’s an ice cream truck there! I’ll get some ice cream. You can wait here, Rachel.” The moment Steven got out of the car, his sharp eyes spotted the ice cream and hot dog trucks nearby. So he hurried over to queue for them. Meanwhile, Rachel and Justin strolled behind him while chatting with one another.


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